Chapter 13: We Stitch These Wounds

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Hey guys! I'm finally updating after God knows how long. I keep seeing the reads climbing and honestly I can't thank you guys enough for the continuous support, and sticking with this sub par story. I don't quite know where I'm going with it but I think it's about time that I write something. I guess I'll just have to wing it.

Ashleys POV:

I instantly felt my heart drop. I couldn't believe it was her, of all places, at all times oh god why'd it have to be her. Can you imagine going up the the first person you gave everything to, from your hear to your virginity and asking them to personalize something for the new person who has your heart. That's painful for me to even think about.

Her voice, which at one point was music to my ears now sounded like obnoxious static on the radio, which you just want to shut off.

"Hey Ashy, how are you hun? Long time no see." She said with a knowing smile and a look glazed over her eyes. A look I knew all too well.

I took a step back from her. "Oh it's been good. Going really good with the band and all. I could've have asked for everything to fall in place in a better way." I said hoping to cover my nervousness with a sheepish smile.

"That's good to hear. Did you find a new girl to replace me with? Maybe one who's better in bed? I know what you said to people Ashley."

I swallowed hard. People told her. Who the hell told her. I trusted the people I told. She's probably hurt too. I don't care..what am I thinking.

My mind was racing, a thousand miles a minute. I felt like I was gonna be sick. I looked up from my beaten up combat boots and my eyes met hers. Her penciled on eyebrows were raised and and unpleasant smirk grazed her face. Then I realized a good thirty seconds have passed with me just standing there in shock, like an idiot.

"I..uh.." Was all I could get out.

"Good answer, Ashy. Still terrific with words" she sneered back.

"I haven't met a girl persay, but whatever you heard it's time to let go and move on. Hell it was high school! We're grown up, we have jobs and lives it shouldn't matter what happened then. I'm sorry if what you heard hurt you, but I let go a long time ago. So you should too now."

I saw a mix of emotions cross her face. Then she replied with something I wasn't quite expecting.

"Oh! So you haven't met another girl? Well, Ashy. I do have to say I've improved a lot since those days. If you wanna give it a test run. I've learned a few things I think you'd love." She said with lust in her eyes, reaching forward and touching my chest.

I jumped back like her hands had burned me. She looked shocked and hurt.

"What the fuck? Why don't you want me now? I could understand then, but why not now? I'm perfectly beautiful and sexy and why wouldn't you want me now?"

"I...I'm.." She cut me off

"Whatever Ashley. I never even wanted you for anything other than you were good and bed and had money. Now get the fuck out of my store."

And without another word I turned and left. I guess I could get that mic stand somewhere else. If only she knew it wasn't another girl, it was a guy.

And not just any guy, but my best friend in the world. Andy..

Andy's POV:

I sat on the couch. Mindlessly flicking through meaningless shows laden with bathroom humor and sex jokes. What ever happened to good writing?

I shut off the TV and picked up a book I haven't. I haven't read in so long. I was never too into reading I guess but I always had a special place in my heart for Edgar Allan Poe. I think it's because Ashley got me into it.

He's my light, my life. There's something about the look he gives me, it's a mixture between love, want and need. I've never looked at anyone and received that look from them. It makes me so happy to have him in my life.

I just feel like I'm not enough sometimes though. He always brings me flowers and gifts and writes silly love letters that melt me (not to mention he's very good at some other things.)

I feel like I don't deserve him. I sometimes think he would be better off without me..

And just like that the dark parts of my thoughts came raging back. I found myself wanted to look for that razor and relieve the burn on my skin.

I think I would've if it weren't for the strong arms wrapping around my torso, right after I stood to go get it.

There he goes, the man of my dreams. Saving me, yet again.


I don't know why that took such a depressing turn. Mainly just a filler chapter because I don't really know where I'm going with this. It'll come to me sooner or later haha. But if you guys have any ideas or characters you'd like to see make an appearance in the story feel free to comment here or message me privately. I'd love to include your ideas and I'm turning towards my faves (you guys) to help out. Hope y'all enjoyed. I'll update soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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