Done For You: Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

So it's officially our first week on tour and we're preforming right here in California tomorrow. I heard Jinxx on the phone in the living area and Jake and CC talking in the kitchen. I didn't know where Ashley was. I decided to walk out and get a glass of water. Maybe I'll call Juliet and break the news to her; see the thing is I'm just not in love with her romantically at all. She's an amazing person though, I mean I hope she'll understand and I hope we can still be friends but I'll come clean and say I'm in love with my bassist and my best friend,

Ashley Abrocket Purdy

I sighed and walked back to my bunk. I picked up my phone smiling at the picture of the guys and I standing at the beach. I went into my contacts dialing Juliet.

"Hello?" She picked up.

"Juliet we need to talk." I said nervously

"I know, I want to also." she replied (sorry if this is kinda awkward I've never really written a phone convo before.)

"Okay, Well I think we see other people."

I heard her sigh then laugh....laugh?!

Am I seriously that big of a joke to her?

"I was actually gonna say the same thing. Oh and andy?"

This is just too weird. "Yeah? What is it?" I asked bracing myself for what she'll say. "Well, um do you have a...a you know...thing, for Ashely?" I was shocked. I couldn't believe this. "Is it that obvious..." I trailed off. "Kinda...But I also have an amazing gaydar." I chuckled "Well, thanks so much Juliet. You're awesome." I smiled I'm so glad she took it as well as she did. "You're welcome Andy, I'm just glad we're on the same page and I'm not upset; sexuality isn't a thing that can be controlled. Anyway, I'll talk to you later Andy! Bye!" she was so sweet, if course I would miss her but there's someone else that I love. "Okay! Bye Juliet!"

I sighed. I saw Ash walk into the room. "Hey, Andy!" He said flashing me his award winning smile. "Andy...what's wrong." shit shit shit what do I say. "Me and Juliet broke up." I said trying to sound sad, don't get me wrong I love Juliet but just as a friend though.

"Oh Andy I'm so sorry." he said wrapping me in a hug and I inhaled his sent of chocolate strawberries and cologne.

This hug lasted longer than a just-friends-hug. My phone interrupted the hug though. It was Danny from Asking Alexandria

"Hey! Andy, mate do you wanna go to the bar with me, Ben and James?"

I looked at Ash, and asked him if he wanted to join and he said yes. My heart did a little flip flop.

"Sure! Can Ash join us?" I asked "Yeah! The more the fucking merrier!" he said with a laugh

After we got ready and I threw on a black Mötley Crüe wife beater and a black leather jacket on top of that. Black skinnies from Ash's clothing line and Vans.

I lined my eyes with a thin layer of eyeliner and went out to meet Ash.


Just wow....he looked amazing his hair was spiked and he was wearing a Purdy 69 black and white jersey t-shirt. "Aw look who's wearing my jeans." he said jokingly "Well Purdy boy you've always known that I've wanted to get into your pants." I said sarcastically even though I secretly did mean what I said.

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Wait was he blushing?! Was the Ashley Purdy blushing!? Stop Andy he doesn't like you, like that. You'll just end up breaking your own heart.

"Hah! You wish Biersack! Lets go." he said brushing it off. We hopped in the car and started driving to the closest bar, the one Danny told me to meet them at.

We got there soon enough and Danny was already drunk and flirting with some chick. "Hey! Andy, Ashley!" I heard James shout. "Hey!" Ash and I shouted in unison.

We parted ways and I began talking to Ben and James about bands, girls, Ben's marriage, James' girlfriend Brandi, then Juliet. I told them the news and we went back to a not so depressing topic it gave me a melancholy feeling seeing James and Brandi; I've always wanted a relationship like that or how Ben and Samantha and their wedding.

Eventually it was 9:30 and Ash drove some girl back to the bus and was probably fucking her as we speak. As we wrestled a now angry Danny back to the car we started driving back to Asking's bus, Ben was trying to calm a pissed Danny because he was actually getting somewhere with a girl. We pulled up to the bus and walked in without knocking.

Big mistake. I saw something on the couch that I couldn't believe.

"What the fuck?!" shouted Ben and James in unison and Danny just stood there pouting, stull drunk off his ass. Cameron and Sam jumped away from each other. I can't believe we just caught them kissing.

"I-we it's not what it looks like." Cam stuttered.

"I think it's exactly what it looks like." snapped Ben. Shit were they homophobic? "Fine, it is what it looks like, but I'm sorry I love Sam and you can kick us out of the band as long as I have him I'm happy." Cam said tears forming in his eyes.

James calmed down and engulfed them in a hug. "There's no way in hell we would kick you out of the band. We just wish that you didn't keep it from us. Right Ben?" he asked "I couldn't have said it better myself, but I don't want to walk in on you guys fucking like rabbits so please keep that for when we're at hotels." Ben said with humor in his voice, we all laughed, "AWW WHY?!" Cried Sam only making us laugh harder. "I'm so happy for you guys." Feeling obliged that I didn't just stand there like a dumbass and actually say something.

I decided to head back to the bus which was only a short walk home.

I walked in and I think Jinxx, Jake and CC we're out or sleeping but I heard rustling of clothes and some girl yelling. I wonder what happened..."You're a fucking douche Ashley you know that! Fuck you!" She yelled in his face, he just stood there expressionless. "Move faggot..." she said pushing past me. "Bitch." I said under my breath. Ash just went back into his bunk and I heard his soft snores a few minutes later.

Ashley's POV

Jesus, I'm so glad Andy didn't ask about the whole incident with the girl earlier.

I guess I messed up, all I do is drink and fuck girls to ease the pain of not having the one I love. It will never happen because number 1. it's a guy and he's straight and number 2. he's my best friend

Andrew Dennis Biersack

Well, with this girl she was um giving me head and the entire time I was just imagining her as Andy.

Then it slipped

'Oh Andy....' I moaned. she shot up and screamed in my face 'who the fuck is Andy.' and that catches you pretty much up to the present.

I was embarrassing, good thing she didn't know anything about our band she just wanted someone to fuck her.

I drifted off with thoughts of Andy and the girl and the bar and the band.



Omg first chapter done! I'm so excited and nervous. I hope this will get a few reads c:

Thanks so much and it would mean the world to me of you votes commented and subscribed!

Love y'all


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