Chapter 9: Devils Chior

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Okay I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time. I CANT BELIEVE THERES ALMOST 600 READS IM LEGIT SCREAMING. Thank you guys so much for the continuous support and please it would mean the world to me if you would read my newest boyxboy fanfic Bulls in the Bronx


Ashley's POV

We were on our way to the interview, I was excited yet nervous. What would they say about relationships and anything related to that. Andy looked just as nervous as I did, if not more. "We're here" he said giving me one of his comforting smiles. "Here goes nothing." I said putting my hand over his and swinging the door open.

We got in there and as soon as we had walked in they had us seated with a drink, and an interviewer.

They asked us a few questions that didn't mean much, to me at least. That was until he said 'have you seen any of the Black Veil Brides fanfictions online.' Andy and I exchanged knowing glances. Wow, the fans would be going crazy after they saw this. I finally spoke up, "There is a thing called Andley. That were aware of." After the painfully long series of questions that came after that, it was finally time to go.

I think the interviewer expected something was going on because he could tell we were upset by our body language. "Hey guys, uh I'm sorry those aren't my questions. They're the companies. Sorry if it upset you." we looked at each other and then back at him. "Not at all, but thank you." Andy said smiling and I grinned too. Finally it was time to leave.

"I'm so sorry" we both whispered in unison. We had both said things that had hurt each other. "I'm just not ready..." I whispered. A warm smile spread over Andy's face, " I know." He pressed his lips to mine in a soft, kiss that melted my heart.

We locked hands and we climbed into the bands rental car. Soon that's when Andy pulled out onto the highway and shortly after, the semi hit...

All I heard was the screech of metal and the world faded to black.


Okay! Here ya go. After a painfully long wait! In the beginning I was trying to make the story realistic, but I think the story is moving too slow and I don't have much to write about. So I hope you enjoyed and I won't leave everyone with this cliffhanger. Thank you everyone!!


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