Chapter 6: Die For You

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Okay! Here we go


Chapter 6: Die For You

Jinxx's POV (surprised)

I want to be as happy as Ashley, Andy, Jake and CC. I want to have someone like them. Someone that loves me for me. "Jinxx!" Jake yelled waving me over to the couch next to him.

"What's that?" I asked pointing to his screen. He smiled "a dating website..." he said and I was not surprised, he's always up to something. "I've filled out your basic I formation, you just need to put up and picture and your hobbies/interests." (I've never been on a dating website so I'm just assuming this is the things you put on it.) "Really Jake?" I said giving him a look. "Yes really, we all want you to meet someone who makes you happy.

I studied the page before grabbing the laptop from Jake. "You have time we don't have to get going before 4:30." Jake said with a smile and I began typing.

Who knows....maybe I'll find the one.


Today was the day. I wanted to come out to the fans at the concert tonight.

I'll have to run it past Jakey obviously but, I'm ready it's almost been a month and I'm in love with him, no matter what people say about it.

"Hey Jake!" I shouted and I heard footsteps coming closer to the bunk room. "Yeah, babe. What is it?" he asked sitting down next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I'm ready to come out to the fans." I said looking up from my lap and my eyes met his. "If you're ready, I'm ready." he said giving me a small smile. I gave him a tight hug. "Thanks babe. It means a lot, but I'm still nervous. What if the fans don't accept us?" I said whispering the last part.

"They will, you know they already ship us together, they would probably be happy. I mean some of them would be angry and homophobic but that's just what happens when you come out to a lot of people."

"Do you really think so?" I said looking up hopefully. "I know so" he said pecking my lips "now you didn't get much sleep last night so take a nap while I help Jinxx try to get a girlfriend." he smiled lovingly at me, "night" he pecked my head. "goodnight jake..." I said quietly but he was already out. The last thing I thought of was how much I love Jake.

Ashley's POV

It was like a dream. It took me a day to realize Andy is actually mine. He's not just a fantasy, I'm not dreaming that I'm actually with him. I couldn't be any happier, honestly. I've been waiting for this moment for....what, probably like four years now.

"Earth to my Outlaw." I heard a deep voice whisper behind me, sending chills down my spine. I sighed and looked up to see andy leaving over me with a huge smile on his face.

The sparkle in his eyes was back.

I really did feel guilty because of the way I made Andy feel for all this time. If I had just manned up I would've been happier and more importantly Andy wouldn't have been so distant and depressed.

"Hey cutie." I said and he blushed, I would've never get used to getting to call him my boyfriend.

"You zoned out. Are you okay?" he said with a sympathetic smile. "Yes, I was just trying to understand how I can actually call you mine now. He blushed again.

I stood up, being careful not to bump heads with Andy. I planed my lips on his and he kissed back. "Ohh! Lookie! We got some Andley going on up in this bitch." Jake yelled. Now this time I blushed

It was weird, everything was different. Although, it was a good different. Jake and CC are together. Oh, and not to mention me and Andy of course. Only Jinxx needed someone now and I'm sure with his personality, he would snatch someone up instantly.

I think this is gonna be a great tour...


Okay! Sorry I didn't update sooner, I had a family emergency and I couldn't really take the time out to work on the story and then eventually time just got away from me. Anyways I'm rambling, I hope you all enjoyed this short crappy chapter and I will have one updated tomorrow! Goodbye c:


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