Chapter 10 - Hearts Will Sacrifice

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Holy mother of potatoes!


Thank you guys so much I really cant thank all the readers enough!

I'm sorry for the late update but here y'all's go


Ashley's POV

All I could see was white

All I could hear was a faint beeping .

I felt like I had been torn to pieces and then glued back together.



All I remember was heading back to the bus and then I can't remember anything after that.

It's like a completely blank slate.

I didn't know where Andy was.

Is he safe?

What happened?

Then it hit me.

Am I dead?

I can't be dead. All those years of wanting to die only hanging on for a select few people and this is when I die?

Finally when things are good, I have a loving boyfriend and an amazing career.

No I can't be

I know I'm not.

I can't imagine what this would be like for the fans. The fans that have been hanging in there for us that we have helped.

If I or anyone of that band was gone that would dramatically effect everyone.

Especially if Andy was gone..

I don't want to think about life without him. It's like loosing my best friend, and the love of my life at once.

So I fought.

I fought through what felt like a thousand pounds of chains and shackles weighing me down. All

of a sudden I was greeted with an

abundance of white light and possibly the feeling of the


Hangover ever.

The was a sudden scuffle of feet against cold linoleum tile.

"He's awake." A nurse shouted. The were immediately all over me and, what felt like an eternity later they backed away.

"Ashley, you've just been in a major accident. You and the driver were t-boned by an oncoming semi that ran a red light. I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. "Is Andy, the driver okay?" I felt the biggest tsunami of relief rushing through my body at the sight of the doctors warm smile.

"Yes, we just checked his vitals when you regained consciousness. You two suffered minor head wounds and a two fractured ribs for you Ashely, and three for Andy."

What was this an episode of Oprah? You get a fractured rib! And you get a fractured rib, and YOU get a fractured rib!!

Really, because right now that's exactly how he is making me feel. "When can I see Andy?" I said making dead eye contact with the doctor.

"Right now, you are both in now stable condition and can walk around. Although will have to stay the night and in the morning you will be discharged."

I smiled as strongly as the doctors left the room. Shortly after I swung my legs off the side of the bed and walked out of my room. Not caring who the hell saw my ass.

I glanced at the room next door and saw a beautiful, black haired man-gazelle laying down on the uncomfortable hospital bed, head slightly lulled to the side.

I walked into the room and seeing Andy glance up and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Oh thank god you're safe."

Andy's POV

"Oh thank god you're safe"

Th words slipped from my mouth as I saw my almost naked boyfriend who was only being covered by some hello kitty boxers and a skimpy hospital gown.

Immediately I wanted to tear that gown off and take him right here on this very hospital bed but,


Doctors would probably be scrambling in and out of here non stop for the rest of the evening.

"I'm so glad your safe." I whispered into his ear.

"I thought you didn't make it.." his voice trailed off and his swollen eyes met mine.

"I'll always be there for you, Ashley."

"And I would die for you Andy." He whispered; And I was met with the most untapped, love filled kiss that I had ever experienced.

"Never leave me again." I said and a simple nod was all I needed to know that he would be by my side.

Now and forever.


I hope you all enjoyed this sappy, romantic chapter. I kinda can't figure out what to write next but I have a few things brewing so stay tuned for an update soon!!


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