Chapter 20: Changes

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(A/N) I want to dedicate this chapter to @haleysims98 for commenting on the last chapter with another amazng song by the imagine Dragons called Bleeding out. Its another song that really describes what Aidens going through, & how he feels about Hailie & how much hes willing to do for her... SOOO LISTEN :D --->

Again I want to thank every single person who commented with a song, thre are so many i beginning to lose track BUT if i didnt mention your song now its probbaly because i'll be using it a future chapter. But i listened to them all & they all are really great so thank you again.

- if you know any songs that relate to this story or any of the characters let me know :D 



As I looked in the mirror I let out sigh thinking about the other night with Dom.

As his lips came closer to mine I kept thinking to myself that this is what I wanted…what I needed. But just as his lips brushed against mine I turned my head, knowing that this wasn’t right.

“Dom…I cant…” I said, as I looked away from him, not able to bear the sight of hurt in his eyes.

“I know I really like you…but I don’t know if it enough right now…” I said as I looked up at him seeing his eyes filled with hurt and pain as he nodded at me slowly.

“To be honest I don’t know why I cant kiss you…you're amazing in every single way…but…I just cant not after tonight…” I said.

“I think you know exactly why you can’t kiss me Hailie…you just can’t admit it.” He said with hurt filling his voice before he got up and went to sleep on the couch.

It killed me to think that Aiden was the only reason holding me back from having a normal life…having an amazing boyfriend and a fun senior year.

I turned my head and I looked at the wall filled with pictures of Aiden and I, pictures from my past.

How could anyone expect me to give that up so easily?

How could I focus on anything else right now but Aiden?

Easy…helping your friend and being with another guy is two different things A small voice said in my head but I did my best to ignore it.

I had to deal with one thing at a time…that’s why I couldn’t be with Dom I thought to myself…because the alternative was just way too scary to think about.

I let out a deep breath and tried to remember everything Ellie said and forget all about Dom and Aiden at least for today.

I had to channel my alter ego to get through this school day because like she said it wasn’t enough to look the part…I had to continue to be the person I was when Aiden saw me last.

It took me a while to prepare myself for the difficult day I was going to have.


Before I entered school I mentally gave myself a pep talk trying to incite my alter ego to help me through the day and surprisingly, she did.

Everything was going on perfectly. I smiled at my brother, I waved to a few girls, and I even winked flirtatiously at a couple of boys…but never once did my eyes wander over to Aiden. No matter how much I felt his glare burning a hole through my back, I kept my distance…

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