2. Imagine: Alec Lightwood

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Imagine Alec pinning you against the wall and telling you to stay away from Jace just because he is bi only for you and because he wants you only for himself.

You was walking down the hallway, a huge smile on yours lips and your blade in your hand as it was glowing slightly. You,Jace, Isabelle and Alec just came back from a mission, from demon killing who was causing trouble and plus finally,finally the mortal cup was back in the hands of Shadowhunters thanks to you. You felt so proud of yourself. After all you was that one who figured where the cup was and how to get it even if you all got in a little bit trouble with demons, but it was worth it. Ha! No mortal cup for you the evil creaturie called Valentine!  You thought to yourself happily as you even jumped in the air couple of times.

"(Y/N)!" All of suddently you heard Alec calling your name and his footsteps running after you which made you to stop walking and turn around to look over at Alec, raise your eyebrow and look up into his hazel/brown eyes. 

"What is it, Alec?" You asked, trying not to sound so rude. You and Alec didn't got along and you didn't even knew why it was like that. Yeah, you and Alec was pretty close to each other and you kind of liked the raven haired Shadowhunter but.."Are you kidding me? You nearly got us all killed and you ask me what is it?" Alec said,snapping all of suddently as he kind of sounded pissed off, making your eyes to widened and for you to take a step back in the surprise. 

"What? I did not! In fact I was that one who got The Mortal Cup back!" You said almost stubbornly as you just wanted to hit your feet against the floor in annoyance or something, but that wouldn't be a good idea since then you'd kind of act like a little kid or a spoiled brat. 

"Stay away from Jace!" Alec all of suddently said, kind of changing the subject and making you even more confused. 

"Wha---" You trailed off as you groaned, shaking your head before just looking up at Alec. "Why should I stay away from Jace? Unless...."You stopped your sentance for a second, all of suddently realizing something, which actually made your eyes to widen. 

"You're in love with Jace!" You said as a you watched Alec and how his reaction changed from kind of suprised to angry. 

All of suddently, before you could do anything or react somehow Alec pinned you against the wall. A gasp escaped your lips as he did that.Your blade fell down on the floor.  One of Alec's hands was on the wall besides your waist and the other one grabbed your neck, gently. After all maybe he was mad, but he still didn't wanted to hurt you. 

"Stay away from Jace" Alec said once again as he actually pressed his body against yours, making you to stay quiet since you was to shocked to talk. All what you could do was watch him with wide eyes as your heart was beating fast and you begged that Alec didn't heart or felt it since for yourself it felt like a thunder storm or something. 

"Okay...I'll" You whispered without even thinking and...was that smirk you saw on Alec's handsome face. Wait, what? Handsome? No,no,no. 

All of suddently Alec pulled away from you, letting you go and walking away, down the hallway, probably to his room or training room as he just left you there. Confused. What the hell just happened? 

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