Alec Imagine for fandomcrank

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Name: Lily

Appearance: New Shadowhunter at the institute 

Other details: Curly brown hair, brown eyes, quite witty 

Guy: Alec 

Plot: I'm new and Alec agrees to help me train with a bow and we have 'a moment' 

Relationship: Strangers at first I guess 

Mood: Falling in love and funny 

Anything else: Not really apart from I've read your other ones and love them x


Lily was sitting on her bed,looking throught a old photo album, smiling softly at some silly pictures with her and her parents. It was good times,but it seemed like her parents didn't had any time for her and they was busy with their own things. One of the reasons why they send Lily to New York's institute  for other Shadowhunters to deal with her. She was only 17 so she wasn't adult yet and couldn't take her part in the Clave meetings even if she always was courious about that what was going on there. She always wanted to know what made them so special? About what they was talking there? Was it about Valentine? The Circle? His children who might be working for him? About the law? About demon killing? Or maybe was they simply having a good laugh there and talking about the newest gossip? What the hell did Clave even do? After all it was Shadowhunters who killed all the demons and kept vampires and werewolfs in a line, who kept them from ripping each others throat out. 

Lily was a courious girl, but she could be also witty and sarcastic when needed. Lily had curly brown hair till her shoulders and the same color eyes, her skin covered with runes and old scars, but she still wasn't perfect at fighting. She nearly have gotten herself killed couple of times and she hated that. She wanted to be avible to take care of herself, but not always that happened. She was good in a fight with a blade, but once she lost it...she was screwed. One of the reasons why she wanted to learn how to shot with a bow and arrows since she could always carry them on her back while she would be still carring her blade around and it could be her main weapon while bow could be her back up one, the little thing which could save her life when needed. 

All of suddently The young Shadowhunter looked up from her album and closed it shut before just throwing it in one of her drawers as she stood up. That's it. She will stop being a lazy ass and finally will do something to finally reach her target. She will learn how to use a bow and arrows no matter what that costs her. Time, strenght...whatever is needed. 

The brunette went to her closet so she could change into some more comfortable clothes like a tank top,pants and sneakers. She walked out from her room and down the long hallways where you could easily get lost if you got distracted and wasn't looking where you are going as she finally found the training room, nobody was there and she was actually surprised. After all didn't the other Shadowhunters trained or was they so perfect at that what they was doing that they didn't even needed it in the first place? 

Lily walked to all the weapons and grabbed a bow and arrow as she bite her bottom lip and looked around at all the targets she could shot. Where to start? She licked over her lips who all of suddently felt dry or more like she was nervous as she got into a positioned, took one of the arrows, pulled the bows string back and then let it go. "Fuck!" She cursed,muttering when she missed the target, not by little but more like a lot. 

"You are holding it wrong" Said a voice, hot,husky voice which made her to jump,let out a small scream, drop the bow and turn around quickly...

There,against the doorway was leaning Alec Lightwood,smug smirk on his lips while his arms was crossed over his chest, making his musculs more noticable. Such a hottie. Lily licked her lips once again, but this time not because she would feel nervous or anything. 

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