Alec imagine for Gracediamandis

625 19 1

Name: alexandra (Alex)

Age: 17

Appearance: midlenght light brown hair, brown eyes, full lips..

Character: alec

Plot: alec's jealous bc of smth (idk what) and they have a fight 

Mood: sad, romantic, happy ending


Alexandra was laying on her bed in her room as she had hidden her face on the pillow and was crying, loud and violent sobs rocked her body as she sobbed, curling in the ball and hugging her knees against herself. 

You was probably wondering what happened? Well..she and her boyfriend had gotten in this huge fights over the smallest things and what happened today was just the last straw to their fight. The two of them had yelled a lot of things at each other. Things which they didn' t meant and regrated saying. And all of this just because Alec had been so jealous..


Alexandra was laying on the couch as she and Jace was watching some stupid movie to who the two of them didn't even payed much attention as insted they was just trying to catch popcorn with their mouth and just messing around. 

Alexandra laughed loudly as all of suddently Jace grabbed the bowl of popcorn and turned it down on the ground before hovering over her and putting his hands on her sides as he started tickling her, making her laugh loudly and try to kick him or push him of from herself. 

And..that's the moment when Alec walked into the room and everything went to complete shit. 

"What the hell is going on here?" The older Lightwood boy asked as he narrowed his eyes, making Alexandra gasp and put her hands on Jace's chest before just pushing him off herself and making him fall down on the floor. 

"Alec! It is not what it looks like!" She said seriously as she sat up quickly and got off the couch before walking over to him as she lifted her hand up and was about to touch her boyriends cheek when he shook his head and took a step back. 

"Don't touch me. slut!" Alec all of suddently hissed in the anger, making his girlfriends eyes widened as she gasped 

"I..I'm not a slut!"  Alexandra yelled at him as she slapped him without even thinking. She slapped him so hard that his head even turned to the side, making him put his hand over his own cheek and touch it before he just glared at her. For a second there she thought that he was going to hit her or something but all of suddently he looked over at Jace who had stood up from the floor as Alec walked over and actually punched his parabatai right in the face, a crack was heard throught the room since Alec had broken his nose. 

"Don't touch him, you asshole!"  Alexandra yelled. He and Jace was best friends so of course they was going to be playful around each other and everything but Alec decided to be asshole about it. 

The two of them started yelling at each other and their yelling match even turned into a war zone as Alexandra started throwing stuff at Alec but he dodged every vase she threw at him and everything. 

"I hate you, Alec Lightwood!"  She yelled as she all of suddently just turned around and stormed out from the room. 

Flashback Over 


Alexandra was still laying on her bed, crying when all of suddently there was a knock on the doors. "Go away!" She yelled but the person didn't listened to her and insted just opened the doors before walking inside. 

"I said go away!"  She yelled as she sat up and looked over at the door with tearstained face but then she kind of froze when she saw Alec with a lot of red roses in his hands and a white fluffy bear who was holding a heart and there was written something but since her vision was a little bit damaged she couldn't read so far. 

"I'm sorry. Babe. I was just jealous. I already apologized to Jace and we made up"  Alec said, making a puppy dog eyes, making her sigh. °

"What I'm going to do with you?"  Alexandra asked, shaking her head as she smiled slightly before just sitting up even more and patting the space on the bed besides herself. 

Alec smiled slightly and walked over to the bed before just sitting down and giving the roses to her just like the bear. 

Alexandra looked down and finally saw what was written on the heart "I love you" She smiled widely as she looked up at him and then put the roses on the table before holding the bear close against herself "Do you really.." She trailed off. 

"I do..I do really love you"  Alec addmited, making her smile widen even more as she throwed herself at him and hugged him tightly. 

"I love you too, Alec"  She whispered in his ear and then bit his earlop playfully as she heard him chuckling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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