1. No destination

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Chapter 1.

Anna's POV

Intro :

I was sitting in the plane chair on my way to California with headphone on my head as i was waiting for the newest episode of once upon a time to upload and i had to pay about 5$ to get an internet for an hour on the plane.

I can feel the boy behind me kicking my chair as his mother yells at him to sit down and the guy next to me as his drawls on my shirt and his head on my shoulders and the baby in the front seat crying his eyes out and his mother just shouting with no reason and it was about 4 hours flight from Chicago to California but it felt like forever for the plane to get down.

1 Hours had past ....

The episode was uploaded and i finished watching it and as always there was a cliffhanger on the last few second and i went to twitter and Instagram to check on the latest news on once upon a time and to add an edit as i opened my computer went to photoshop and made an edit on the episode and few snowing , captain swan moments to distract my self from all of the noise in the plane.

' 2 hours had past and it is just one hour left and then i can meet my dad ' i thought to myself. as the flight attendant came to take the orders but i put the blanket above my head and looked as i was sleeping so i can avoid conversation. I always avoid conversation and IF I didn't i sound completely stupid when i replay that is why i always had my dad to replay for me or i tell my self that it is the first and last time i will meet the women or a man and then act like a fool.

i always thought to my self maybe because i never had a mother or a female figure in my life so i don't know how to act or how to behave and my dad always tried to protect me so he doesn't push me and that is why there was a creation of the tv show so we can bury our selves in the shows and forget about reality.

I was in a moment of silent as i muted everything around me and the blanket above my head but then the flight attendant came.

" excuse me , we are ready to land can you move the blanket and fasten your seat belt " the flight attendant said.

" good " i replied as i fasten my seat belt and then i thought about what i just said and replay the word good , good what the hill is wrong with me can't  i just said okay.

we have just landed. as i took my headphone and put the computer inside my bag and i was super exited to finally reunite with my dad as i was in my grandmother house for the summer.as i approached the door and look for my dad between people and my heart beating with happiness because i can't leave my dad more than a month or two well i am a daddy's girl type and i can't really imagine my life without him.

" hello princess " my dad said as he get from behind me and close my eyes.

" daddy " i jumped with excitement on my face as i went to hug him.

" finally daddy , i missed you soo much " i continued as i hugged him tightly.

" me too " he said as he took my bag and put his hands around my shoulders which were still with the drawls from the guy next to me but my dad didn't care.

we went into the car as i help my dad load the bags into his new BMW car.

" wow dad , it is really beautiful car even thought you send picture it is more beautiful than in pictures " i said as i rub my hands on the car.

" i knew you would like it because it is going to be yours " my dad said as he looked at me and gave me the keys.

" really , what is the catch 1 year ago you were terrified for my legs to even touch the wheel and now you are giving me an expensive car " i said , wondering as i stare into my dads eyes.

" there is no catch it is  just that i got a good deal on it and if you didn't want it i will take it back " dad said , smiling as he tried to take the key from my hands.

" hell no , i was just checking because in movies there were always a catch when someone is getting a gift " i said.

" when are you going to stop taking life lessons from tv " dad said as he took the keys and went to drive the car.

as we entered the car and i sat in the front leather seat as i heard my dad cleaning his throat and said " i need to tell you something " my dad said and after i heard these 5 words i knew there was something big behind it because the last time he told me that i went to live with my grandmother for the summer so i can help her which really wasn't my plan for the holiday i really liked my grandmother but i loved my tv shows.

" well , i got married " my dad said as he looked at me with a sad blue eyes and a high tone.

" what , you are kidding with me " i said as i didn't believed what he just said.

" well i met her while i was working in my advertising company and she is really nice and you will love her " my dad said.

" we always tell each other everything and we never hide anything from each other and how could you do this to me how could you marry someone who i didn't even met or even knew " i said , sobbing.

" i know baby and i am sorry but i didn't want to give you a false hope , and technically you know her " my dad said as he still maintain his calm.

" i know her ,  i don't care if i knew her or not i don't want anybody else. first my mom die and i didn't even had the chance to meet her or even see her face as you burned all her picture  and now you are telling me that i am losing you too " i said as i was still sobbing.

" you will never loss me baby , i will always be yours but i can assure you she is your favorite person " my dad said as he reached to hold my hands but i pull them away.

" no matter who she is , she will never be my favorite ,i hate her " i said , grazing.

" even if she is Jennifer Morrison " my dad said as he looked at me and my face looked like it was hit by a long long truck.

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