11. New Guests

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Anna POV:

We are all guests at this planet , welcome is a gesture of hospitality but welcome is just word who could decided if you are welcomed in this world when all you see in yourself is a mistake made.


A small talks were said as they all were enjoying the evening as it was about 1 am in the morning and i haven't said a word after they offered me to go as i just nodded in response and Oliver was taken by his nanny , nobody ate anything all they had was wine except me i had a glass of water as i began feeling hungry.

" daddy , i am going to go order something " i whisper to my dad as silence hits the table.

" okay , need money " my dad said as they began to stare.

" wait , where are you going " Jennifer said as she clinched my arm.

" you can't go out in the middle of the night , order here " Jennifer said , protectively as she sign for the waiters to come.

" i will take a burger " i said as the waitress just looked at me if i said i am Alain or something.

" we don't have " he replied.     " then a grilled cheese  , it is a bread with cheese inside that is grilled " i signed as i was irritated by his action as if i was not in his class of something.

" i will take one too " Jennifer said , grinned.

" excuse me " my dad said as he went to the bathroom.

I was left with the 3 musketeers  as i panicked and stood up and went to the bathroom.

Jennifer POV :

As anna stood up and without a word went to the bathroom.

" you lier " ginny said , crocking an eyebrow.

" i am not , something happened today at the morning and she is suddenly a different person i mean she is like an onion you have to slice her to know what is inside " i said defensively.

" i mean when you told us about her , we came expecting an Emo or a spoiled brat even josh and i had a bet about how many times she was going to curse you " ginny replied.

" guys , you are exaggerating " i said , simpered as they both stare at me.

" okay , okay i know ,  but she would never listen to a word i say except today , after i sow her going throw my cabinet " i stated as i put my hands above my  mouth and i hoped they didn't listen.

" what , cabinet why was she " ginny said as i explained what happened she was one of my best friends so i knew she wouldn't tell as they both started laughing.

" guys i have an idea but i need you to say okay " i said as i was interrupted by noah as he approached me and kissed me.

Anna POV :

As i sow my dad kiss Jennifer i tried avoiding it and covered my eyes as i still hated it and find it awkward.

" can we go home " i whisper to my dad and once again everyone  went silent.

" yes , okay babygirl " my dad said as he kissed me in forehead. i was too tired from all the action that happened today.

" Jen we are going to the limo , we will wait for you " noah said as he held me in my arms and guided me out of the restaurant.

Jennifer POV :

" so what were you about to tell us before they came "  ginny stated.

" i was going to tell you how about you and josh do me a favour " i said , smirking to both of them.

" no , whatever it is no , i am scared from the last time we listened to you " josh stated.

" ginny please , i need you to stay with me in the beach house " i said as i put up a delightful smile.

" why " both josh and Ginnifer asked.

" because today she was different than any other day , she heard what i told her and she even laughed at my face for a change instead of always glaring , i don't want to become to hateful step-mother that after 15 years when i am old and wrinkle she become close to me " i said as i begged Ginnifer and josh.

"  i am in , i won't want you waiting forever  " ginny said in a thrill as i think she was referring to that i am not going to have wrinkles.

" come on , dad " i said as i chuckle.

" do i even have a choice " josh said as we all chuckle 

" i am going to call the nanny to bring josh to your beach house " josh said as he took the phone and moved.

" do you anna is going to be okay with it " Ginnifer said as we hold hands.

" ya sure , i don't think she is going to mind " i said as i chuckle.

Anna POV :

" dad , where is she does it take that long to say goodbye to someone " i said as i lay down on the limo seat.

" i don't know but could you at least sit like a lady instead of laying down " noah said.

" i have been nice all day today with your women  you must at least thank me " i said as i grap ice from the wine bucket in the limo and put it on my head as i cover my face with tissue.

" NICE ! ...  you didn't even talk you kept staring at both Ginnifer and josh "  my dad signed.

" dad i am not in the mood for any of your lecture could you just call her or tell her to go in a taxi or something " i said.

" who is going in a taxi " Jennifer said as i could hear her voice inside the car.

" you " i said.

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