25. Confusion

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Chapter 25

Anna'S  POV :

When you think you have figured your life out , something hit you really hard on the head that you don't even remember the way your taking and all the roads look the same at that moment.


" Yes " I replied as Jennifer approached the house , still wearing her big hat which covers half her face with  big glasses and the long skirt.

" hello , nice to meet you , I am  Ava " the women stated  as Jennifer replied with a smile  " nice to meet you too , I am Jennifer  ".

I stared at Ava's face but i knew she wasn't supposedly my mom because Bryan called her mom and she couldn't have given birth to us both as we were at  the same age.

" so is this your mom " Ava said as she directed her attention to me.

before i could answer the question Bryan jumped up and answered " Ya" as i sow Jennifer face who was more confused than i were.

As Bryan and Aurora move from the door and Ava went inside as she was guiding us to go inside , we followed but I was blocked by Bryan.

"I will answer all your questions later but just act the parts for now and Jennifer don't remove the hat" Bryan said as we went inside and it was beautiful , cozy house that looks like a family house.

" why is the door opened like that , oh , hey we are having company no body informed me  " a voice from behind and as i looked back and it was a women in her mid 30 maybe with black eyes and hair.

" hey babies " the women said as she approached aurora and Bryan and hugged them both.

" hey mama " aurora , Bryan replied as we stared at women as she goes and kiss Ava.

Jennifer and i stared at each other.

" Where is my manners , hello i am Nicole " Nicole said as she went and sat in the couch 

Aurora who was speechless , i think she knew who Jennifer was and Bryan , Ava , and Nicole all sat in the couch as they stare at both me and Jennifer.

" Jennifer you can remove your glasses  " Nicole said as she offered to take the hat.

" No , it okay " Jennifer said.

" Excuse us , i am going to go bring Anna her book " Bryan said as he took my hands.

We went upstairs as Bryan lock the door.

" can you explain NOW " i said as i didn't understand.

" Ava is your mother " Bryan stated coldly  as i wide my eyes and cut him off " and that makes  us .. " i said.

" Ava is my step mom , my mom is Nicole and aurora is my adopted sister " Bryan explained as i was still hang on the first line , so this is my mom.

After a month of knowing that my mom even Exist , i thought she would be a mess that why she abandon us but seeing that she even adopted a daughter when she didn't take care of her own and having a perfect family , i felt a bit sad but for the most part , i felt relived. Now , i could just live my life because the worst thing in life is not knowing and now i know.

" Ava married my mom when i was 10  and they adopted aurora 4 years ago  " Bryan said as i cut him off.

" so you know all this time , who i was   " i stated as i felt betrayed that even his friendship wasn't real.

" you don't know the hole truth , your dad was the one who didn't want you to have any connection with us  " Bryan said as i yell " don't you dare talk about my dad like that , he would never do that without a reason " I said pissed off.

" it is the truth , after Ava  gave birth to you when she was only 15 she couldn't handle being with your dad because she was a lesbian and the day  slept with your dad , she was drunk " Bryan explained as my eyes shed tears as i wipe them with my hands and continue listening to the story.

" She was a mess after she left you  , she even went to a rehab because she would always drink to forget but then my moms met at the rehab centre and they fell in love and after your mom got her self back and wanted to get you back , your dad didn't want too and said that after all these year she think you are dead " Bryan explained.

" I don't really buy anything your saying about my dad because he is better 100 times than a women who abandoned me " I said as i wanted to get out of the room as he holds my hand tight.

" I am not finished " Bryan said , that was the first time i sow him that aggressive that he held my hands so tight with room locked as i didn't know what to do.

" i am done talking to you , i want to return home , it was a mistake coming here " I said as i moved my hands and went toward the door as i put my hands on the knob but felt a hands on my shoulders as he push me on the door and move my hands from the knob.

" Ava has done so much for us , Aurora and i and we wanted to get you to meet her or at least let her rest that you are alright and that you forgave her " 

" FORGAVE HER ! , this is that last thing i am going to do " I SAID as i paused " move you hands or i am going to shout " I SAID AS as i hear someone pushing the door.

It was aurora as she pushed and enter inside " what is going on , why all this shouting "  Aurora said.

" You also knew , you also lied to me " i said , mad.

" you also lied about your identity and we didn't plan any of this , the only thing we planned was to become friends with you so OUR mama can finally rest , do you know how hard she has been working , and how she build a company from scratch after getting out of a rehab just to build her life and get you back " 

" it is a little too late know , don't you think " i said as i opened the door and left the room.

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