6. facing life

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Jennifer POV :

                They say life begin when you face life with a smile but what if your smile is not bright enough or not good enough. i try to find something unique about my self but the only thing i can find is me , only me i am not trying to be someone i am just trying to find my self in all this mess and noise , i am trying to find the person i once were.

The person when i look in the mirror i can relate to. for the past week i couldn't find my self when i look in the mirror i find a clone of me , a person i despise.

but there was something that pulled me back to a world i once knew to a life full of joy to person i admire , maybe i am not known or maybe i didn't do something so unique but at least i could say that i found my self in this process of life.A true smile from your heart is all you need to get pass life.

some people search for it all their life but i found it , i found my true smile not too shady not too bright just a smile from my heart. A smile i sow is all i needed and more , maybe i couldn't write maybe i don't show emotion but with a smile i can visualise what is in my heart. I thought as i burst with laughter.

" could you please , stop " Anna stated as she crossed her arms and went past me without making an i contact as she goes to her room and push the door as hard as she could and lock it.

" i Am sorry " i said as i was still laughing , it wasn't that funny but will for a the past 9 days she was in the house she didn't even laugh to my face and always treated me with a cold shoulder and now when i sow her fangirling so hard in-front of my cabinet , i thought if i was the cabinet she would like me at least. i thought that she admired me and treated me like that what if she hated me.

" Anna i am sorry , it is just that i didn't know you were a fan , i mean my dad told me but you denied it and you acted too cold to even consider your dad was telling the truth , i mean i was happy seeing you so happy and excited , the girl that your dad told me about , the 10 year old girl inside " i said as i knocked on her door and lean of the door as i talk throw the door.

Anna POV :

As i heard Jennifer from outside the room , sitting in my small tiny bed with the phone in my hands as i just kept on pressing and going from app to app trying to ignore her but then i realised something my life is similar to this phone every time i enter some app i try to escape to the other not even knowing what i am looking for just trying to escape trying to lose time as i ignore the life  outside.

I want to face life but i was too coward to go and look , so i knew that the first step was to open the door and i mean literally open the door but as i opened the door i found no on outside.

i felt disappointed but thought it was for the best as it was time for lunch and it was about 3 o'clock. i always go and have a seat as i ate before they come for thee past week.

i left my bed as i thew my headphones on the bed and went downstairs as i took a step toward the end of the stairs i sow both Jennifer and my dad sitting at the table waiting for me as a smile forged in Jennifer face and my dad.

" hey , you finally came , we were waiting for you " my dad said as he moved from his chair and went to me and hugged me tightly " i am sorry for everything , the way i acted and not telling you about all this " my dad said as tears fall from his eyes and as he impressed me tightly.

" Are you pregnant " i asked Jennifer , terrified as i sow my dad and Jennifer reaction.

" NO " Jennifer replied  , chuckle. 

" why would you think that " noah  said as he moved me from his chest as he was hugging me.

" well , the last time you were too loving i end up either at my grandmother house or  shocking news " i said.

" and beside i am leaving to my grandmother house the next week so nothing left except for  a pregnancy " i stated.

" no , you are staying here " both Jennifer and my dad replied at the same time.

" what about school , did you forget dad school start next week " i said.

" well , no i didn't i remember clearly but Jennifer and i signed you in a school near by " my dad said as my mouth hang open.

" yes , i wouldn't let you leave me " noah said as he hugged me tightly.

" i won't , i never could " i said as i hugged him back.

" let's eat come on " my dad said as he pulled for me the chair so i can sit and he was sitting at the middle as i was facing  Jennifer.

I thought to my self why is my dad acting so happy and he even so maybe Jennifer told him about what happened today as i glared to Jennifer as she kept eating without saying any thing , dead silence in the room.

" so how was your day " my dad said , as he looked to both jennifer and i.

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