14. Masks we wear

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Jennifer POV :

his hands on my waist  sitting in bed as we both face each other with our nose cuddling.

" can i ask you one last question " i said as he nodded.

" will you ever tell her, i think she deserves to know " i stated.

" never, i am going to take this secret to my grave beside we have you , we don't need her " noah said as his face got red with anger as soon as he remembered her.

" but , she hate me " i said as i lowered my face.

" she doesn't , you just were an imagination that turned to reality " noah said as he pulls my head high.

knock * knock  * knock 

" come on in " noah said as we thought it was josh or ginny because we planned on going shopping today.

As we sow anna glance throw the door as her facial expression showed guilt.

" i am sorry " anna said as she was talking to noah.

" you don't need to apologise  to me  " noah said as he pointed at me from the back but i could see his hands from the reflection of the mirror.

" forget it " anna signed as she exit the door.

" see ! " i stated.

" she just need time " noah said , kissing me on the cheeks.


Ginnifer , josh and i were sitting in the living room downstairs and chatting small talks and reharse for our parts tommorrow and josh was just watching the tv

" I am going to go to work today , i have a photoshoot so i can't go to the shopping mall " noah said.

" is it a photoshoot or you just want to get away from carrying the shopping bags " i said , as both Ginnifer and josh chuckle as he kissed me goodbye and went outside.

" if he isn't going , i won't " josh said as he keep playing with stairs. 

" good at least someone could keep an eye on anna , who is still acting like a child " Jennifer said.

Ginnifer and i went to change upstairs and i wore nice Sheriff button-down, black skinnies, wedge shoes and red handbag to match.

" Jen , are you ready " Ginnifer yelled.

" yes i am coming " i said as i went down and into ginny's car.

Anna POV :

while they thought that i was upstairs in my room when in the reality as soon as my dad got out of the house i snuck out of the  front porch as Ginnifer and Jennifer took too much time to change they didn't even notice and josh was playing with Oliver at the beach so i just snuck from the front door as i was wearing white top with green khaki belted jacket and ripped denim shorts.

" hey " Luke said as soon as i exist the door as i closed it slowly not wanting anyone to notice , i was gone.

" i am not talking to you " i said as i walked toward the gate to exist.

" you know that the gate men will not let you pass right , they will call your dad or anyone in the house " luke said , smirking as i went back to him standing in-front of Jennifer house after i waas gone the last time for about 6 hours to be exact 9 hours.

" Then let's go in your car , you must repay me for getting me in trouble today " i said as i grabbed him from his long tie.

" okay , i will " Luke said as he took me to his car.

" wow this is Ferrari GTC4Lusso " i said as i rub my hands on the car.

As we enter inside and we pass the security without them noticing as they didn't check

" so , now can you tell me where are we going " Luke said as we have been in the car for 5 minute as he drive aimlessly.

" Okay , i am going to tell you but not now could you just drive with your mouth shut " i said as i look throw my phone trying to find the address.

" if you didn't tell me now , i am going to call Jennifer " Luke yelled.

" we are going to the airpot "  i said.

" wait , what for " Luke asked.

" i need to meet someone there " i said as i looked straight without making eye contact.

" is he your boyfriend " Luke said , teasing.

" if you are asking is he a boy or a girl , he is a boy " i said as i turned to see Luke face who was some what of pissed.

Luke POV :

' could he be her boyfriend and her dad and  Jennifer didn't accept him or is she just playing with my head so she can leave Los angels ' i thought as demons began to run into my heads.

" you are not leaving right , noah is going to kill me if you do" i said as i was afraid of noah cutting my head off if she did.

" wait , how do you now my dad and Jennifer " anna asked , shocked.

" i knew Jennifer when she had this house about 6 months ago and your dad most times lived here " i explained as i remembered the first time i hit on Jennifer as noah almost killed me with the car next morning 

" so my father lied to me when he told me he had a business trips " anna said , disappointed.

" so instead of all this mystery could you just tell me who are we meeting " i explained.

" is he hotter than me " i said as my words ran through my mouth.

" yes , he is extremely handsome and his sense of humour " anna said as she began to chuckle.

" what is so funny " i asked as i look toward her.

" your jealousy , it is so cute  " i said.

" i am not jealous ,  i am just worried "  i replied , as we arrive at the airport.

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