5. The escape

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Chapter 5 

Jennifer POV :

As i opened the front door looking for anna and as i look around but i couldn't find neither Anna nor the dog  " noah come here quick " i yelled , freaking out.

" what , where is anna " noah said as he burst out the door.

" i do not know , and even alex isn't here " i said.

" i am going to talk to the security at the gate maybe they will find them " i said as i rushed toward the phone.

Anna POV :

I was sitting in the porch as i heard a footsteps more like heels coming toward the door and i hated confronting  Jennifer at that time so i just went running quietly with my toes to the side of the house with the trees covering me as i wanted to escape toward the beach but as i walked toward the beach i heard the dog barking from behind me. 

      " shhh , why did you follow me " i said to the dog as i moved to the beach and walk in the sand but he kept on following me from a distance from the back and i walked  for about 3 hours as i went and sat in-front of the sea.

Jennifer POV :

" How could she just disappear like that , did someone took her , or did she just wanted to teach me a lesson " noah said as he puts his head in his hands and sat at the floor where the security went to find more about her  and it was about 3AM now and she disappeared for about 6 hours.

As noah was sitting at the front door and i was standing straight talking to the security. as we sow anna coming with alex in her hands which was a shock due to her scare of dogs.

" where were you " noah yelled as he went to hug her.

" out " Anna said as she didn't hug her father and wouldn't make eye contact with any of us but just went straight inside the house and we could hear a smashing the door and locking it.

A week had past 

Anna POV :

A week had past and i sat  in my room with my headphone on as i watch a new episode of once upon a time but what scare me the most is that who come i love emma swan more than Jennifer and even Jennifer i love her but at interview but reality is just to weird for me and btw i got grounded for about 3 weeks and both my dad and Jennifer had work to do so most of the time i was left at the house on my own , i didn't talk to Jennifer or my dad about what happened that day but i was about to today as i thought i was going back to my grandmother house after the thing i did.

I was sitting in my room as i got a direct message in Instagram from one of my best friends in the fandom maybe you would find it weird but we don't even now each other faces nor first name all we now that me and my best friends love once upon a time and we are a oncer.

" hey , what you doing " Kylie send 

" nothing , but i have a video that is going to melt your heart " i send.

" what , send it , come on , please " Kylie send.

"  okay , i am going to send it today at 3 pm now it is 12 pm " i send 

" okay , bitch xoxo love you " Kylie send 

" loool , love you too bitch " i send.

        All i knew about Kylie was she was obsess and i mean obsessed with someone that is called Jennifer Morrison so i thought to send her a video of her home as to make her happy before i leave this house and that quick dream or a nightmare in living in here. that she always wanted picture but couldn't find it and i wasn't going to tell her that i am living in her house and beside even if i told her she wouldn't believe me.

so i went outside of  the my room as i looked right and left and then i shouted " Jennifer " , " daddy " but no one answered as i expected , so i went to the hallway in-front of my room and started to record the video , as i was recording the video and going right and left with the camera as i wasn't much of a good holder or a photographer type so i went to downstairs and up and then and i went to the hallway as i was going to take photo of her room but as i entered the room , i found my dad stuff everywhere , so i just decided to clean the place and then record it.

not noticing a door being unlocked... as i was thrilled.

After i finished cleaning.

" so omg , you won't believe but i am in Jennifer Morrison room and up here you will see " i said in the recording as i went to her cabinet , excited and fangirling as i forgot she was my stepmother and the one who was going to send me away.

" and this is her cloth , you remember this is when she was in an interview in new York she wore that .." i continued talking as i showed her her cloth and the entire room as i heard a voice from behind.

" even i couldn't believe you are in my room " Jennifer said as she leans toward the door watching me as she chuckle.

" how much did you hear exactly " i said as i put my hands in my head worried and at the same time super embarrassed.

" from when you were cleaning the room and you were super excited so i didn't want to interrupt  you , so you are not a fan right " Jennifer said as her face became red from the laughter.

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