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High School: Haven? Or hell?

I figured since school is starting or has started for some of us, I should write an article about the equaility issues in high school.

Most of us would agree that school is not something we look forward to, for some it's because of academics, no one likes the homework, the constant repeat of things we already know, the tests, essays, quizzes. For others it's the pressure, to follow our friends, stay in the status quo. Others its the bullies that push us in the hallways or write our name in the bathroonm stall, it's the teachers, some that care or have good intentions and try to help, the others that don't care and frankly, piss us off.

There's so much frustration, stress, and hurt in school nowadays, it makes me ask the question, is high school a haven? Or a hell?

School is a place we see our friends, learn, find passions and hobbies, get a education. But a lot of the good in schools is hidden by the ugly.

Recently, in one of my local high schools a policy maker questioned whether transgender teens in the high schools should have a "Special bathroom" For fear of transgender girls or guys attempting to "Make a move." On other students while in the restrooms. How ignorant can one be? And it pushes our progress so far back, if transgender teens get a different bathroom, why not the gay and lesbian teens? The poor and the rich teens? How far are we going to isolate others? When do we finally agree that we deserve - if not more- at least one thing? Which is a quality education, without prejudice and stigma, without hassle and stress over clothes, friends, homework.

How many of you have seen the new JCPenney's or Macys or any other name brand commercial tell you about the importance of what you wear and how people will look at you? Making us wonder if looks truly are everything.

There's also been a lot of economy problems, which have lead to budget cuts. We're losing top of the line teachers, art classes, and other extra curricular activities. Sadly most schools are all about sports, again for me locally one of my schools built a brand new football stadium of sorts adding up to over 80,000 in expenses, but out school officials turn a blind eye to it, because it's "Needed." And "Good for school moral." Whether that's true or not, I don't know.

What I do know is this, high school will always be what it is, a place of drama, new experiences, learning, and time. We go through so much as teenagers, good and bad, and I think high school is just another one of those things we have to go through, and as the great Winston Churchill said; "If you're going through hell, keep going."

High school doesn't have to be all bad though, we have our friends, our favorite teachers, and some of us like the whole learning part of it.

Don't just listen to my opinion though, here are some other opinions given to me by your fellow Wattpadders.

"I actually like going to school because it allows me to see me friends on a regular basis and talk to them face to face. We usually act weird and fangirl a lot. I have not faced any equality issues. In band I am the only girl in my section but for the most part I am treated just the same which I like. I think equality issues depend on how you were raised; in what type of environment, who you hang out with, what you were raised to believe. And I don't just mean sexiestism (is that a word?). I have a friend whose parents are strong Christians and believe she shouldn't marry someone who isn't like her. I'm Christian to but I was raised in a very open environment (for the most par) and all the books I read allowed me to have a more open mind about others.

I'm not sure if this is what you meant or not. Um yeah."


"For me it's both. It was hell because of all the requirements you have to pass. There was so much drama going on about your friends and love ones. You have to balance school and fun. About the equality issues, I guess there would always be the popular ones, the jocks, the nerds, the dancers and all of that. There would be times they would interact with each other, but not that often. The popular ones are the people who likes to be prioritized first and wherever you go they are always known. The nerds or probably like the "Lowest of the Social Ladder," as other people says, are the people who loves being fun and teased by most of the people in school. I have experienced that because I am vertically challenge. People made fun of me, but I proved them that I can be a cool person too. We have to accept everyone as the way they are. Befriends with all people or something. Highschool never ends. Meaning if you go to college, your highschool friends are always the people who will catch your back :)"

Weekly Question Mag 25 August 2013Where stories live. Discover now