Quotes of the Week

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Hey, Juice here! This week's quote is...

Start doing . starting is always harder than doing - its my own.

Life is not about who you are but its about who you choosw to be- edited form of dumbledores word in hp2

~ @najeesathar

Okay, this is the winning quote from last time!


Won the contest with this! For the nugget of wisdom, I totally agree. Starting is really, REALLY harder than doing. Once you've started, everything will be easier. For the Dumbledore's quote, it's great too! Like, in Percy Jackson: Sea of monsters (sorry for any spoilers!) Percy changes his destiny. If he can, why can't we?

Okay, we all make mistakes sometime. But you can choose to mope around or to get up and HAVE FUN. Nobody's perfect, but we can choose to be happy, even though we are NOT perfect.

That's the message of the day. Next week we'll either: a) talk about the other winners' quotes; b) find a song/Wattpad book/movie with an AWESOME QUOTE!

AND, the question is, GOT ANY GOOD QUOTES? The next theme is... (should I let you choose or should I offer it to you?) Okay, I'll tell you, it's BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. If you can offer a quote about that particular theme, then I'll read/vote for 2 books by you! Anyone interested?

Well, last week's contest... Didn't go well. I think that's becauseI shouldn't host two contests in a row. Well, that's okay. We'll do another contest soon, when you guys think we are ready for it. Maybe every four weeks? Any suggestions? THANKS :P


Bye for now!

Weekly Question Mag 25 August 2013Where stories live. Discover now