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Hello everybody! How you been? Me, I been super busy with work, family drama, sick, and plus relationship problems.

We are going to start this off fresh because I been slacking and I am truly sorry.

What does inspiration mean? Inspiration means a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation. I don't write as much as I would like, but when I do what inspires me is everything I have gone through and made it out better then before.

This week my friend was beng used by this guy she started to date for sex. This girl inspires me because not only did she walk away from him, but she also ept her dignity intacted. She respected herself more then what he ever would of. A lot of girls now a days don't have any respect for themselves and give in to peer preasure so easily. I for one did, but thank god I gave in to the person I have been with for 3-5 years (depending on how you look at it) because I don't know what I would of done.

Everybody should have morals and respect themselves and the people around them. I was raised with the golden rule "Treat others as you would want to be treated," and it taught me a lot.

Now where I am from there is no respect, curdosy, kindness, honesty, or even love, so being raised like I was is rare. I do cuss, but not in front of my elders, I don't lie, I am polite, and I do not disrespect anybody unless they have me.

Inspiration isn't something found around me except in books which is why I love fantasy. It takes me to a whole other world full of hope and magic something I still wished I believed in like when I was a kid. Did you ever believe in Santa? I did and I tell you what that since I learned he isn't real it's like I lost a part of me.

Yeah, haha funny I know, but I am completely serious. It's like I lost my eyesight, I didn't see wonder, magic, or even imagination in the world anymore and it sucked. For like 2 years I was a really angry teenager because of that and I took it out on my grandparents.

For any of you who don't know my grandparents raised me and they don't get treated with the respect you deserve from anybody. They have put up with a lot of B.S from my mom, aunt, and uncle in their life and still have raised me and 3 of my brothers since we were born.

But anyways everything I talked about gives me my inspiration, so what inspires you, no matter if its to write, work, dream, draw, play music, etc. What motivates you? Who do you look up to? What changes the way you look at the world? Find your answers in the next column and untill then remember don't give up because the begining only the hardest part. -ChristianBolen9593

Weekly Question Mag 25 August 2013Where stories live. Discover now