Chapter Three: Holy Fuck

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As much as Louis didn’t like it, Liam enjoyed being next door, so Louis, unless he wanted to stay in for the weekend, usually went over with him. Well, not with Liam, since Liam went over at some god foribben hour, but still. Louis was usually there before 1, which was early enough for him.

It seemed, though, that Liam was always with Zayn. So Louis was stuck with Harry.

“We could-” Harry started to say on Sunday, as they were sitting in his basement, just… Sitting there. Their basement was huge, and was set up with one half of the wall covered in movies, one wall was covered in a screen, with a progector over head. There were 4 rows of seating, all long, comfy couches. Louis and Harry were sitting in the front row.

“No.” Louis cut off stubbornly, crossing his arms.

“How about-”






Harry huffed, realising he wasn’t going to get a word in with Louis being as stubborn as he was. “Why don’t we watch a movie?” He rushed out quickly, trying to get it out before Louis cut him off.

“No.” Louis said at first, before biting his lip slightly. “What do you have…?” Harry smirked slightly at him, but Louis held out a hand to cut him off. “If you’re going to be a cocky shit, I’ll leave.”

“Why are you here, anyways?” Harry didn’t mean to be rude, it just kind of came out that way. But he wasn’t going to correct himself either, he had a reputation to uphold.

“Rude.” Louis muttered, then added louder, “I’m waiting for Liam and if I stay home, I’ll get put to work unpacking. I mean, I’m male, but does this body look like it’s meant to be lifting things?”

Harry took that as an instinctive to check Louis out. “It’s a hot body.” He said cheekily.

Louis made a slight disgusted noise and rolled his eyes, but there was a faint pink on his cheeks from the compliment. “Eyes on my face, asshole.” He was determined to stick to his ‘hate Harry’ plan. He wasn’t about to go for a jerk again.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing babe.” While Louis was determined to hate Harry, Harry was determined to make Louis like him. He didn’t do well with not being liked. It was probably an alpha thing. Or him always getting the girl (or guy) he wanted. Probably that.

“Just pick a movie.” Louis sighed, only just holding himself back from pinching his nose in annoyance. So far his plan to hate Harry? Going pretty good. He didn’t even have to try, Harry was just natural to hate (Lie. It was hard but Louis would never admit that. Not even to himself).

Harry just kept up his smirk/smile, and went over to the wall covered in cupboards and opened the farthest one from Louis, pulling out a movie right away. He moved over to where the DVD player was, and put the movie in.

Louis was highly surprised when the movie title came up, Love Actually. “You like this?”

“My favourite movie.” Harry admitted without shame. He was a bit of a mama’s boy, even if he spent hours training with his father.

“I wasn’t downing it. My favourite’s Titanic-” Louis cut himself off slightly when he realised he was being to have an actual conversation with Harry.

He (Harry) didn’t notice the other boy cut himself off. “That’s depressing though.”

Louis shrugged, but talked, unable to help it. “It’s a classic love story.”

The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now