Chapter Fourteen: The First in Over 100 Years

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Lols, I suck at updating. And, I swear, I am sorry. But guess what? This is almost done! I'm think there's about... What... There's that thing, that should take about 3 chapters? Maybe 4, if I'm feeling extra evil. Then there's that one, which is gonna be two, because of reasons. And then an epilgoue. So, around 6-7 chapters left? Probably around there. Here's the chapter, finally.



“So, you’re a werewolf.” Those words were what made the whole deal sink in. Not that Louis had a problem with werewolves (uh, his best mate and boyfriend were), but being one himself? Not so much of a fan.

Louis nodded though, he knew that this was his fate and he couldn’t change. He was a werewolf now.

“First rule, even though you know this.” Robin said, “Is not to tell anyone.”

“Think I got that one.” Louis muttered, and Robin ignored him as he continued to talk.

“I’d usually explain more, like the monarchy of the pack, but…”

“I know that.” Louis supplied. He got bored when everyone was training, so he’d begun to read all of the books they had on werewolves. He guessed that now he’d have to be in on the training. Damn.

“It’ll be a little different for you, once you’re accepted into the pack.” Robin continued. “You’ll be able to sense things, not just more than a human. I;ll have to get Anne to explain it to you. It’s a Luna thing.”

Louis nodded again, keeping quiet. “Along with training, Anne will be teaching you more about the pack and it’s working, and where you stand in the pack.”

“I thought Luna was second in the pack or whatever.” Louis said, confused.

“There’s more to it then books lead on, Louis.” Robin said, annoyingly vague. “And more than we would tell a human.”

“So, now that I’m one of you…” Louis started to say.

“Not fully. You still have to be accepted into the pack.” Robin cut him off. “The ceremony-”

“Will go along perfectly.” Harry said, finally speaking up. He’d been quiet the entire time, so much that Louis would’ve forgotten about him, if it wasn’t for the fact that Louis can never forget when Harry’s around him. It was almost as if Louis had a third sense made just for detecting Harry.

“I wasn’t saying-” Robin turned to look at him, but Harry cuts him off.

“But you and I both know what you were implying, even before the ceremony part father.” There was a slightly harden look in Harry’s eyes, one that Louis had only seen once before, when he was… Uh… Making out with the other ‘wolf. It seemed odd to think about that, to think about not being with Harry or to just be like… That with someone other than Harry. Louis was sure that, if Harry ever left him for some reason (and he hoped Harry never would), that Louis would never move on. He felt that way when he was a human but now, now that he’s a wolf… Louis could feel the need to always be with Harry, to be Harry’s, to have Harry’s as his, was even stronger.

“Harry.” Louis said, softly, reaching out so he could feel him. “It’s fine.”

Harry turned to him as Louis’ hand rested on his wrist. His eyes softened immediately, and his lips began to tug, as if they wanted nothing more than to just smile at him. He nodded, before turning back to his father. “I’m going to go and get mum. She can explain everything to Louis.”

The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now