Chapter Six: Meet the Family

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Zayn let out a small ‘oof’ as his- human- body hit the ground. Liam and him were sparing, in the backyard of the pack house, Harry and Louis glaring at each other from beside them. Liam’s worried eyes were the first thing Zayn saw when he reopened his eyes.

“Sorry, sorry.” He rushed out, offering Zayn a hand. Zayn took it, put used it to, not only pull himself up, but bring Liam down. He flipped the other over (onto to his stomach), and put his arm behind his back, and sat on him.

“You have to not be afarid to hurt me.” Zayn whispered in Liam’s ear, unable to help it. He could smell the sweet hint of arusol coming off of Liam, and allowed himself to breath it in for a sec seconds, before getting off.

“I don’t want to hurt you though.” Liam pouted, rolling over, but not getting up.

Zayn cracked a small smile. “I have to train you.”

Liam was about to say something, when there was an outburst from Louis. “You asshole!” He hissed, glaring venomusly at Harry, who was looking almost proud of himself. Zayn groaned softly.

“What have you done now Harry?” He muttered. This wasn’t uncommon. It was the third weekend of school, and each day that passed, Harry and Louis’ ‘relationship’ was getting more and more strained. Zayn would love to pretend he didn’t know what was going on- ignorance is a bliss- but he knew it quite well. Harry was trying to get a rise out of Louis, to the point where the other went out with him, just to get him to stop. He’d seen Harry use the tatic before, and the relationship had lasted about almost a year, but then… Taylor wasn’t a topic the pack liked to speak of.

Louis looked like he was about to slap Harry, but decided against it and begun walking to Liam and Zayn, who’s eyes widdened in slight fear. Louis was a force to be reckoned with when pissed off and Louis was pissed.

“I’m going to head back home.” He hissed to Liam, obviously trying to control his anger. “And you-” He turned to Zayn, “Tell your asshole of a best friend to back the fuck off before I go find some wolfsbane and shove it up his ass.”

Wolfsbane was one of the few things that could actually kill a werewolf. And Louis seemed pretty damn serious about the threat. “Here, I’ll walk you back.” Liam said, eyes flickering to Zayn, as if to ask if he could. Zayn nodded.

Louis nodded, and the two begun walking into the forest, and Zayn headed over to where Harry was still sitting and where his water was. After taking a huge gulp, Zayn begun talking. “Do you really have to do this?”

Harry grinned at him. “He’s a game-”

“He’s a person!” Zayn practically yelled. “I’m getting a little fed up with your sleeping around and jackass act, Harry.”

The other’s eyes hardened, looking at him. “It’s not an act.”

“If this is about Taylor-” Zayn tried, obviously looking sympathetic.

“Don’t.” Harry growled, alpha voice coming through. While Harry wasn’t the alpha, he still had a companding power to him, that Zayn’s wolf wanted to submit to. Harry, obviously too pissed off to function, headed back into the house, slaming doors in his wake.

Zayn let out a sigh, and turned around (so his back was facing the house) and sat on the edge of the porch. The back proch had been a new addition, which took all of two weeks with werewolves working on it. It was a fair size, big enough for a huge dinning table and some outdoor couches.

A big brown wolf came out of the forest, and Zayn knew who it was imdeatitly. He know those big brown eyes anywhere. Even in his aggitated mood (curesty of Harry), he smiled at Liam, who rested his face on Zayn’s thigh.

The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang