Matt wakes up

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Two weeks later, while struggling through The Master and the Margarita, I noticed Matt's vitals were going up. He began to choke and convulse. I ran to get the nurse. They hurried quickly, and soon enough, his eyes were open. He soon screams in agony as he feels the full extent of his injuries.

"Shhhhhhh, now. Be still and keep calm. Now, Do you know who you are?" Dr. Abernathy asks him to confirm who he is. I take the tube out of his mouth as he starts to talk, but can't because of said tube.

"Matthew Robert Smith." he says in a scared-but-deep voice, loud and clear for everyone's ears to pick up.

"Where am I? what is this place? Oh, my head, my arms, my ribs." He starts asking, then complaining. But it's to the questions that I'm inhesitant to tell him.

"You're in a hospital, Mr. Smith. For the past two weeks, I've been taking care of you. I've been reading you your favorite books, playing you your favorite music.

"I'm sorry for not sounding grateful about this, but who the hell are you?" He was frustrated.

"Elma, sir. Elma Lyons. I'm a big fan of yours." I shake his hand, and I forget which hand is the one with the broken wrist.

"OW!" He grimaced in pain as I backed away, apologizing with every step I make.

"What the Bloody Hell happened to me?" He said angrily, as he was holding his hand. Dr. Abernathy then explained what happened: The state he was in when he was found, how he was operated on for an hour to put pins in his ribs to keep them in place, how his hip was broken in half, and how he was in a coma for two weeks.

"I also contacted your sister, Laura, on Twitter. She knows of your condition, and she knows now that you're awake. She'll be coming to visit you soon." Said Dr. Abernathy. Just then, we heard a burst of doors as a tall woman came up the hall and ran fast for Matt.

"OH, MY BROKEN BROTHER!" She screamed with big gulps of tears in her eyes. That's when we realized it was Matt's sister, Laura.

"I'm fine, Laura. Let go, IT HURTS!" Matt hollered to let go, which she reluctantly-and tearfully-did.

"You obviously must be Laura. I'm Dr. Abernathy, your brother's physician. He was in my care for the past two weeks."

"Laura Jayne Smith, and yes. You took care of Matt the whole time?"

"Well, he handled Matt's vitals. I decorated his hospital room with things he likes.

"I thought I heard Radiohead and Sinatra a lot. That was you?" Matt started going off.

"Yes. Like I said, I'm a big fan."

"Well then," Laura started again, calmer. "Just take me to where I can sign the release papers and I can take him home with me as soon as possible."

"I don't think it's an option, Ms. Smith." I started.

"And why not?" She asked, hastily.

"Matt's body isn't done mending, yet. I don't want to sound like a fuddy-duddy, but I think he needs to stay in the hospital for a month or two as well as stay in town another two afterwards for physical therapy."

"Is that true?" She hissed at Dr. Abernathy.

"Despite her status as a volunteer orderly, I'm afraid she's right, madame." he gave Laura a cup of coffee and walked away with her to give a full explanation. That gave me ample time to try and make it right with Matt. I had something to give him, anyway.

"Oh, by the way. I thought you'd need a friend." I gave him a pink badger puppet. I know he might not necessarily like the color pink, but he does have a pair of headphones in that color and it was the only color they had in the store. Plus, if he ever goes back to England, he could always introduce it to Charlie.

In my care-A Matt Smith FanficWhere stories live. Discover now