"Cold December Night"

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Halloween and Thanksgiving came and went. Finally, December hit. I wasn't too much in the Christmas spirit. Hell, I pretty much brooded through Doctor Who day for obvious reasons. Leslie tried everything, but to no avail. I was pretty much a shell. The only Christmas songs I DID play were "Sending you a little Christmas", "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)", "Tinsel and Fire", "Please Come Home for Christmas", "Hey Santa", and "All I want for Christmas is You". Also "Last Christmas" and "I miss you most at Christmastime". It drove everyone who HATED Wham! insane to hear "Last Christmas" over and over to the point that it drove one of our clerks Jewish.

"Who's up for Secret Santa?" Leslie said cheerily one day as everyone (including a not-in-the-spirit me) started heading home after work.

"Do we have to?" Said one person.

"Not another one!" Exclaimed another.

"It CAN'T be that time again." Cried a paranoid colleague.

"Can't I skip it this year, Les?" I moaned.

"Yes, yes another one, It IS that time again, and Not if my life depended on it." She just casually shot us in the stomach, heart, head and throat with a hypothetical arrow. I was already depressed, but I had no choice but to give the best cheer I could give--even if it was sour.

Leslie drew first, then me, then everyone else. I got Drew, the one I drove Jewish. I was thinking of making amends with him, so I thought of his love for Adam Sandler movies. I got him Jack and Jill, Grown-Ups, 8 Crazy Nights, and Click. Especially because he wouldn't shut up about any of them. Then, on the 15th, we were to exchange gifts at a popular karaoke bar. Leslie got her gift first. It was from the paranoid one, Thora. She got her a book on post-apocalyptic survival. I told you, she was paranoid. I gave Drew his Adam Sandler movies, and he hugged me, forgiving me for the conversion. Drew gave the crier a flute, and the crier gave Thora a tin foil hat kit.

"Oh, you can NEVER be too careful. Thank you!" And she hugged him. The exclaimer got something from the only other one besides me who doesn't become upset at the mention of Secret Santa, Doyle. He gave the exclaimer a replica of Dwight's bobble head from The Office (his favorite show). As always, Leslie was the last one to give the gift as she was also the first to receive. But then, she decided to wait until I 'sang' a song.

"And now," she started, "Please welcome up to the stage, for her annual rendition of Michael Buble's "Cold December Night", Miss Elma Lyons! WOOOO!" I was shocked. Did she KNOW about the mood I was in?

"She will receive her gift as soon as she sings." She said.

"I am not happy with you." I said as I got up on stage to where she was.

"Trust me, you will be." She said. I didn't understand it, or let it get to me. I just started singing as soon as the music started.

"Stockings are hung with care as children sleep with one eye open." I start. With each line I sing, everyone's just whooping and cheering. I'm getting a lot of crowd attention, as I get to the second verse of "Cold December Night", and then soon, I feel why. Someone's hands touch my hips as I go to "They call it the season of Giving.  I'm here, Yours for the taking." and I turn around and I see a full head of hair, a friendly smile and a pair of Alexandrite eyes. Overwhelmed going back into the chorus line with "I'm Here, I'm Yours--------! Just fall in love with me-This Christmas--!" The second I'm done with the song, I take my surprise up in my arms and start to cry tears of joy. He holds me tight, kissing my hair as tears soak his shirt.

"But I don't understand. How were you able to handle Laura? She refused us ever talking to each other." I asked.

"It was me." Shouted Leslie.

"But how?" I asked.

"Well, it was a matter of your happiness and Matt was what made you happy." She started as she told her story.

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