My best employee's a WRECK!!!

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Flashback: Knock Knock Knock! Went Leslie as she came to Laura's door.

"Yes?" Laura answered. "What is it?"

"Laura Jayne Smith?" Leslie asked.

"This is she. What do you want?"

"I just want to talk. I am Leslie Dowd. I employ Elma Lyons on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays."

Laura just looked at her blankly. Then Leslie filled those blanks in.

"She took care of your brother for you?" She interrogated.

"Oh, you mean DID my brother! Listen, I don't have time for that traitor's distrust so go home and tell her not to bother me and Matt again" She scoffed out before attempting to shut the door on Leslie. But Leslie was tough. She kicked the door back open and tackled Laura to the ground before she could grab at something for protection.

"Now YOU listen here, you little prima donna! I have a respectable and miserable employee who's been depressed since you took Matt home and even more DESTROYED since you kept Matt from contacting her. Now you're going to deprive her of the first person she's SERIOUSLY fallen for EVER just because she gave your brother HER virginity?!"

Laura was stunned. She never realized that. "When did she have sex with him?" She asked.

"About a couple weeks after Matt started using a cane. She was steadfastly falling for him, and she tried to hold it in, but she couldn't. Then, he was talking about a red car running into him and waking up two weeks later. Also, WHO DO YOU THINK SUGGESTED TWITTER TO MATT'S DOCTOR?!"

"That was Elma?" Sulked a very touched and very depressed Laura.

"Yes. THAT was Elma." Leslie shouted at her quietly, as she saw that Laura was beginning to cry. She pushed her too hard. "I'm going to get Matt. Then I want you to take in a full account of how this even happened in the first place." Leslie ran in and talked to Matt.

"Matt? You ARE Matt, right?" She asked in a whispered tone.

"Yes, who are you?" He asked confusedly as he woke up to Leslie's voice.

"I'm Leslie. I'm Elma's friend. Nice to meet you. Come on, we're going to talk to your sister.

"What about?"

"Her inability to feel what your girlfriend's feeling."

"Oh. Why?"

"Because I'm taking you back to Elma and she's a wreck."

"Really? So she needs me?"

"Honey, she attempted to fail at killing herself with mentos, pop rocks and diet coke last night. Trust me, she is a WRECK!"

"Wow." He rushed getting dressed to talk to Leslie and Laura about his relationship with Elma.

So Leslie gave the side that Elma gave her, and then Matt gave his side, both of which matching.

"So you really love her?" She asked.

"More than I ever loved Daisy." He told her.

"Wow." She was weak for Matt and Elma to continue their relationship After a moment, she only three words to say: "Go to her."

"Thanks, Laura." Matt said, giving her a quick hug and peck on the cheek as he rushed to repack his suit case to run to the airport to get to Elma before she went more berserk than usual.

A few days later, Les makes Matt wait for the signal to come out from the curtain to see Elma. She gives the signal, and he comes out to hold her. As she sings, she hears the crowd go crazy and then his hands on her hips. She turns in fright and sees that Matt's grown his hair back and as soon as she finishes, she's kissing him.

End of Flashback.

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