The last day

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Then finally, a few weeks later, it was finally the day that Matt was going back to England. Matt was a little broken up because of that night we had together and what he will be missing most about me, but he was also relieved to be going back.

"Morning. I'm all packed." He said in a somewhat melancholy voice. "I made you breakfast. I hope you don't mind."

"I never mind." I was still reeling over the fact that I was never to see a good friend and wonderful lover again. I started crying a bit over my breakfast as he was serving it. I tried to not let him see, but he knew I was crying somehow.

"What's Wrong?" He asked, concerned as I just confessed how everything was about to go back to where it was before he was injured. He kissed my forehead, and said everything was going to be okay.

"I'll try to talk to Laura about the situation, but she's very protective of me."

"I saw", I murmured as I started to gasp and gulp, trying to keep it together before he held me tighter.

I leant in closer to smell his aftershave. He smelled wonderful. I was once again trapped in his hold--obviously in a good way. But would Laura allow it? And would I be able to handle Matt's packing?

"I'm here! Laura came in and kissed Matt on the forehead and asked if he'd finished packing.

"Not yet, Laura. Say, why don't you two talk while I do so?" He disappeared into his room while Laura looked pensive at me.

"So, did you take good care of my baby brother while he was broken?" She started.

"Actually, Ms. Smith, Matt and I had a wonderful time together. He was a sweetheart. I'm actually going to miss him." She just stared into space as I was talking to her, seeming uninterested. She just wanted Matt home and safe back in England.

"Did anything else happen?" She asked as if she already knew that I had previously slept with him. "It's alright if anything else did. The only reason I'm asking is because Matt sent me his hard copy of his short stories, told me to take them to the BBC studios that produce Doctor Who, asked me to copy them twice, give the first copy to Moffat, then bring the other two copies to you." I didn't understand what was going on. But then Laura gave me the copy that read "short stories" first clone copy 1" on the envelope. I broke down and sang like a canary.

"Alright, I love your brother, Ms. Smith. I've been falling in love with him for quite some time. Ever since he woke up and he was winking at me every night when I left him and he went to sleep. Even when I took him home with me and he continued to wink at me. I just love him." I started singing like a canary bird. "Then a couple weeks ago, I massaged his arm with pepper juice because the heat of the Capsaicin in the peppers warming the muscles to relax away the pain that you're in, and then he kissed me and then I kissed back and then we had sex. I couldn't get enough of him, nor him of me but I know I have to be strong, and so does he." He comes in and tries to be smug, but he knows it cannot help the situation.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked. Laura just looked shocked and angry at him for even asking as he stood there. I was on the verge of faint, but Matt ran quickly to me before I fell and I touched his face in an embrace that made me feel as warm as that night, when I lost my virginity to him. "I should get you to the hospital, now." I said.

"Yes, quite." He said, with a look of sadness in his eyes as we had to prepare to say goodbye.

On the car ride to the hospital, we were silent. Laura was still wrapping her head around some stranger doing her baby brother, but she was kind of okay that Matt wasn't as freaked out.

When we got there, Dr. Abernathy gave him a clean bill of health, and I took them to the airport. Matt turned to have one more moment before exiting my life forever.

"Look, I want you to have something." He starts. He takes something out of his satchel, and it's the pink badger puppet. "To remember me by." We exchange cell phone numbers and then he turns to kiss me before the plane leaves. I kiss him back, and then he was gone. I cried for hours in that terminal, knowing I was missing the greatest love of my LIFE!

Not knowing about it either, Matt was feeling the same way, but as less of a mess as I was. He thought of calling me on the plane, but he didn't know how to hide it from Laura, who became a little stunned and bitter over how Matt was, in her head, taken advantage over her injured, not-yet healed baby brother.

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