Chapter 23

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(A/N) and above you will find the spelling error I couldn't stop laughing at for a full 5 minutes

"You guys are too cute together," Chris decided at breakfast the next morning.

"Yeah cut it out," PJ agreed, stabbing a particular piece of fruit with his fork. "We're supposed to be the cutest couple. We've been together longer."

Dan and Phil, who were giving Chris and PJ about as much attention as they were the spect of dust sitting idly on the table, were much too busy feeding each other their breakfasts to care about anything else.

Chris rolled his eyes dramatically before turning to his boyfriend. "Peej, why don't you ever feed me breakfast?"

"Because it's my food not yours," PJ stated, pulling his plate closer to him, protectively.

"Feed me some of your pancake."



"If you wanted a pancake," PJ said lowly, leaning in. "you should've gotten one for yourself."

"Fuck you," Chris said, leaning in too.

"And wouldn't you love to do just that," PJ purred, his eyes traveling down to Chris's lips.

"Aw, come on guys, that's gross!" Dan whined, tossing a stray Cheerio at Chris's head.

PJ and Chris pulled away from each other with a loud smacking noise.

"Oh sure," Chris sassed, "You and your lover--"

"Don't call Phil my lover."

"Fine. You and your big daddy are allowed to  act all cutesy and lovey dovey and blah but when me and my little cabbage try to suck face at the table you're suddenly all prudes. This is a double standard!"

"I... I don't even know how to respond to that," Dan laughed. "Where's Oli at?"

"Hanging out with some other cabin group," PJ answered, throwing a look over his shoulder. Dan followed his gaze and saw their absent friend eating at a table across the room. "Things were a bit awkward between him and us because of the whole Chris thing so he offered to take a step back for a while."

"Is he okay with that?" Phil asked, not bothering to finish chewing his current mouthful of cereal before guiding another spoonful in after it.

"Well... by the looks of it, he seems pretty okay," Chris nodded and PJ snorted.

"Okay? Nah, man, I saw him sneak away into the bathroom with that redhead boy and not come back out for another five minutes. Oli's doing perfectly fine without us. No need to worry about him."

"Well then," Dan said, someone between a cough and a laugh. "Does anyone know what we're doing today?"

Chris's lips twisted into an almost scarily excited smile. "Let's just say, it's something Peej and I are have gotten quite skilled at."



A little advice, if you ever want to silence a crowd of fifty rowdy teenagers, you really just need to say that one, little, three-letter, word and odds are they'll shut right up to listen.

That is, if they are not Chris Kendall, who immediately responded with a resounding, "Buy me a drink first!"

Dan and Phil, who had been all over each other a second ago, had now sprung apart and were sitting, quite uncomfortably, with at least a full meter of space in between them.

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