Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7: Genesis Benson

The next morning Olivia woke up with the intentions of telling Genesis about her conception, but then she remembered it was the final court hearing for the adoption. She realized Gen was no longer in bed with her, and went looking for her. She found her in the bathroom hunched over the toilet.

She walked over to her, and pulled her hair back as another hot stream of vomit forced its way out of her. When Gen realized she wasn't alone she panicked.

"G'way mom! I-I'm fine" She said weakly.

She tried to shove at her mother but honestly she had no strength. Olivia wanted so much to tell Gen that she knew, and that she wasn't mad or angry with her because it wasn't her fault but she wanted Gen to come to her even more.

"You know I'm not going anywhere honey. Let me help you." She said.

"I think I have a bug of some sort" She said.

'A bug that will only go away in 8 months if I don't get rid of it' Gen thought.

"Guess what today is?" Olivia asked excitedly.

"The adoption hearing!" Gen squealed.

"Are you ready to be stuck with me forever?" Olivia teased.

"Mom... Never ever think that I'm 'stuck' with you. I love you. You make me feel safe." She said holding Olivia's hand, and her heart.

"I love you too honey. Let's make a day of it? What do you say?" Olivia asked hopefully.

Other than going to school Gen didn't like leaving the house much. Olivia had picked up on that early on. She wanted her daughter to feel safe, and let her know nothing bad would happen to her as long as she was with her.

"I love it! I'm gonna go get ready!"

Gen hugged Olivia and darted to her room to get ready. Olivia love to see her daughter happy, but she knew Gen still had a lot inside, and that she was faking. She wanted to make this day a happy one, and to take the time and bond with her so she decided she would wait until Gen was ready or wait another day until she told her she knew about the pregnancy.

A few hours later they made their way to Judge Marsden's courtroom. They met the social worker in the lobby.

"Hello Ms. Benson. Hello Genesis. How are you doing?" Ms. Edwards asked.

"I'm good. Just glad this day has finally come!" Olivia said.

"I'll be glad I never have to come here again!" Genesis added.

"Once I make my recommendation there's no reason the judge should deny the petition for adoption. Your final visit showed marvelous progress!" Ms. Edwards beamed.

The bailiff called the session to order as the judge made her way to the bench. The judge shuffled the papers on her desk, and began.

"Olivia, Genesis. It's good to see both of you under delightful circumstances. Let's get this started so your day isn't wasted." Marsden said.

"Ms. Edwards what is your recommendation?" Marsden asked.

Ms. Edwards gathered the appropriate paperwork, and handed it off to the bailiff.

"Your honor I recommend that this adoption go through. In the past month Genesis' school attendance has gone up, and her grades have improved greatly. She's happier, and I feel that if she were removed from Ms. Benson's care it would be a mistake." Ms. Edwards stated.

She looked to Olivia and Genesis and smiled.

Judge Marsden looked through the paperwork Ms. Edwards had presented her with and smiled inwardly. She looked at Genesis, and motioned her to come forward.

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