chapter one

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a/n: isn't he the most beautiful being on earth?

Regrets. That's all he was filled with ever since he was young. Louis William Tomlinson, a beautiful eighteen year old student who regretted stepping back into the school that he studied in that can definitely be compared to a hell hole, as many would say. Because, really.. School is either a place where you have fun and be veey happy, or a place where you get picked on and be completely sad. It's like there is no in between.

"Well, hello, fat ass!" A voice echoed through the corridor of the school, instantly making the boy close his eyes and take in deep breathes in order to stay calm and not turn. He was used to it. Being called names, made fun of and most importantly, abused. Physically and mentally. He would never understand why people would do that to him when all he ever does is to stay quiet and keep to himself.

Louis decided to ignore it and slowly trailed towards his locker and unlocked it. But before he could pull it open, he was pushed against the metal surface from behind, his face slamming onto it hard which made the boy let out a pained noise. "Answer me when I call you. Do you understand?" The same voice growled into his ear, making the smaller boy shake in fear while his palms rested against the cold metal surface. "I want to hear an answer!" The bigger figure yelled once again when Louis just nodded in response to his previous question.

"Y-Yes.." Louis choked out while a few tears began rolling down his cheeks as he basically waited to be let free again. "Please, Nick.. I won't do it again." He spoke up quietly, holding back a sob as he begged for the bigger guy to let go of him.

And when Nick finally let go of him, Louis instantly dropped his back and held his hand against his cheek which was now in so much pain since he was slammed against the locker. Now that's going to leave quite a bad bruise and he knew it already. "I still don't understand why you keep coming back.. Nobody likes you, you ugly piece of shit. Just go home and never come back." The bully said to the injured boy and let out a loud laughter before walking off.

And that is basically how everyday begins in school for Louis. Nick or his group of friends were always after him and he just never knew why. They always called him fat amd many other mean names and always made fum of whatever he would do. Him being a careless person just never helps his situation sometimes. He trips over his own feet or drops his things accidentally pretty often and those bigger guys would just laugh at him or step on his things and destroy it.

"One down." The boy muttered quietly to himself and took in a small breathe, gently brushing his clothes to smooth it out a little before he bent down a little bit to picl his bag up. Louis slung his bag onto his shoulder and stood back up straight,pulling his locker open to get a few of his books out. And then he was off to the nurse's office to grab an ice pack for his cheek. This has become an everyday routine for him and he always manages to lie to the nurse about how he got hurt. And that is the only time when he can use his carelessness to prove his point that he got hurt on his own by falling or something.

Louis has never exactly thought of bringing this issue up to the teachers. Mainly because he knows pretty damn well that they would only come after him again and things will only get worse for him of he does get them into trouble. Another reason is that he would never want to hurt anyone. At least not intentionally. He has such a beautiful heart to match his beautiful face. But the sad truth is that, he does not realise how beautiful he actually is because of all those negative comments he receives every single day at school. He just wishes he had someone. Anyone. A friend, a sister, or a brother. Anyone at all. His parents are never home, always being out of town because of work. He does not have any siblings. He does not even have any friends because of how much he gets bullied. Just because someone bullies him, everyone just thinks that they can target him as well.

His entire life has been a complete mess every since he turned fourteen. The same year he had to move into this place. The same year he was enrolled into a new school. The same year he realised a few things about himself. Quite terrifying things, I might add. The same year his best friend left him to be with someone else. The same year all the physical and mental abuse began. Basically the year where his happy life took a major plot twist.

a/n: Hi, everyone! This is my first time attempting to write a long story. I hope it's good enough! Please leave some comments so I know what I can improve on. Thank you! (:

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