chapter ten

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a/n: that's my cutest lil bean right there. Hope you enjoy this chapter my loveliest little charmers. ♡


The next few weeks have been.... Calm? Yeap, that would be quite an appropriate word to use. Ever since Harry had stood up for Louis, the bullies are slightly more laid back now. Or at least when Louis has Harry and Liam with him. All the name-calling was still there, but not much physical abuse. The best part of might be the fact that Louis was smiling more. He was beginning to understand and trust his two friends a lot and they were doing a pretty good job in making Louis smile and laugh whenever they are together.

However, when he is alone at home, locking himself up in his room, nobody knows how Louis is. Or how he feels or acts or does. Nobody. Sometimes, he even feels like the Louis his friends know is fake. Because he is never truly happy. Maybe for the moment when Harry would tell him one of his silly jokes and he would laugh. He would genuinely laugh. But Louis has forgotten what true happiness even feels like. The emptiness in his chest just never leaves. Just like the voices in his head.

That blue eyed boy was finally returning to school after missinh school for two days straight. He had told his friends that he was sick and of course rejected their offer to come over and spend time with him in case he would be bored or something. He was not exactly sick. Or well, not physically at least. He just had a lot going on in his mind and he was just trying to handle himself. The voices have been getting louder recently and he just had difficulties managing himself. He was scared. He was scared his friends would find out and leave him again because he is a freak.

"Hey, Lou!" Harry was greeting the smaller boy cheerfully as soon as he went over and raised an eyebrow slightly when Louis remained silent, seeming to be deep in his thoughts. "Louis?" He called out once again and waved a hand in front of the fluffy haired male, snapping him out of his thoughts.

The blue eyed boy seemed to snap back into reality, blinking his eyes and shaking his head a little in confusion as he stared at his friend. "Harry? When did you get here?" He asked as if that curly haired boy had magically teleported there.

"Uhm, I just did. Are you okay? You seem so distracted." The taller one among the two was murmuring down to his friend, concern filling his tone and gaze. But he just eventually smiled, no paying much attention to it when Louis gave him an assuring smile.

"By the way, Liam and I thought we could go for a movie after school today. What do you think?" He was asking Louis with a bright smile, those adorable set of dimples visible on his cheeks. But that was soom fading slightly when the blue eyed boy seemed hesitant.

"Oh.." Louis muttered quietly and fiddled with his fingers a little. "Uhm, I can't.. I p-promised my mom I would hang out with her today." He mumbled out softly, looking up at Harry apologetically. "Sorry." He added on right away when he saw the hurt expression that crossed the curly haired boy's face.

It was very obvious that Louis was lying and it really made Harry upset. He thought they were doing okay and were friends now. Does Louis not want to hang out with him? "Oh, that's okay. Don't worry about it." The green eyed boy replied simply and shrugged his shoulders gently. He must have his reasons. Harry did not want to pester him about it and make him upset.

"I'm gonna head to class now. I'll see you later." The smaller boy murmured up to Harry and gave him a small smile, receiving a nod from the curly haired boy before he was walking away from him.

And Harry just stood there, staring after the blue eyed boy longingly with a slightly worried expression. He could sense there was something wrong, but he just had no idea what.


Harry and Liam had left school after bidding their friend goodbye to actually go catch the movie that they wanted to watch. But somehow while they were on the way to the mall, the curly haired boy did not exactly feel like watching a movie anymore. So they decided to buy some ice cream and head back home to do something else. Maybe play some scrabble because Harry absolutely loves it. And Liam does not mind because he truly has fun playing it with that boy if he was being serious.

"Hey, Liam?" The green eyed boy murmured all of a sudden while they were walking down the street to get to Harry's house. "I just remembered I have to pick up some clothes from the dry cleaner's. You should go ahead first and I'll join you in a bit." He said once he got Liam's attention and also passed the slightly more built guy his house keys. He had grown closer to Liam and Louis over the past couple of weeks and they were lile best friends now. Harry trusted him with his house keys without a doubt.

"Sure, mate. Be quick, yeah?" Liam was telling his friend with a smile, automatically agreeing to it without questioning much about it.

Little did he know that Harry was not going to collect any clothes from the dry cleaner's. It was just something. A feeling. Bugging him to go check on the feathery haired boy who's blue eyes showed nothing but hesitance and fear with a mixture of confusion. He had no idea if he was right, but he was very worried. It's not wrong to check on his friend and make sure he is alright, right?

So that's what he did. He flagged a cab down and told the driver Louis' address, his fingers drummin impatiently on his knees throughout the entire ride there. It didn't exactly take that long. Just about ten to fifteen minutes at the most and he was there. Standing at the door after he had paid for the cab ride and got out of it.

Should he knock? Should he just walk in? Wouldn't it be rude? But he also wanted to find out what was going on with his friend and he was sure that Louis wasn't going to tell him.

And the next thing you know, he had already opened the front door quietly and trailed into the house, trying not to make a sound. If someonw actually saw that, they would probably think Harry was breaking in to rob the house or something. He has been to Louis' house a couple of times, do he was quite familiar with which rooms were whose and so on.

The curly haired boy had slowly made his way up the flight of steps, walking down the small hallway to get to the last room located there, which he knew that was Louis'. He knows that the blue eyed boy was home because the front door was open. But he only got even more worried when he realised that Louis' mother was not there like what he had said in the morning. He said he was going to spend time with his mother. Where is she? Did Louis lie to him?

"Lou?" He called out quietly to not to startle the boy as he slowly twisted the door knob and opened the room door. He was gasping out Louis' name loudly at the scene in front of his eyes before he was rushing in instantly.


a/n: there you have it! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thoughts on Louis not wanting to joim his friends for the movie?

Harry wanting to cancel the movie plan to go check on Louis?

What do you think happened in Louis' room?

Leave some comments and don't forget to vote! I love you all so much and thank you so much for reading! You guys are amazing. ♡x

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