chapter eleven

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a/n: my smol little baby crying ): he deserves so much happiness because he makes millions of people so happy. I love him so much and I love you amazing people too ♡ Hope you enjoy this chapter! (:


Harry never thought he would witness that smaller boy in such a state, ever. No, Louis did not hurt himself. But he was curled up at the corner of his room, hugging himself while he was literally a sobbing mess. He just looked so vulnerbale and smaller than he already is and Harry's heart ached at the sight. Especially after he realised how he was failing so terribly at making that boy happy.

"Oh, Louis.." He muttered quietly under his breathe and sank down onto his knees right beside the blue eyed boy, gently placing a hand onto his arm.

It was as if Louis had not heard him speak at all. He got so startled, gasping out loudly and flinching away from the touch as of it burned him. He uncurled himself from the fetus position he was in and lifted his head to look at who it was. His gaze widened as soon as he realised that it was Harry that was there with him. "H-Harry?" He whispered out in a slight disbelief and was trying to sit himseld up right away.

"Hey, hey.. It's okay. Louis, it's okay." The curly haired boy was trying to reassure Louis when he flinched away like that and let out a quiet sigh when he struggled to sit up. He even dodged away from Harry's hands when he was about to help to steady him.

Louis sucked in a sharp breathe and wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his sweater roughly, pushing himself further away from the green eyed boy. Almost as if he was afraid of him. And boy did that feel like a knife to Harry's heart. "I-I thought you were gonna watch a movie with Liam." The feathery-haired boy murmured out softly, his voice cracking a little.

Harry was confused, really. He just saw the boy bawling his eyes out and yet he was now trying to question him as if none of that happened. "Louis." The curly haired boy pressed and let out small sigh before he settled himself down in front of his friend, crossing his legs under himself.

Louis did look up when he heard his name and looked instantly, not being able to look in the curly haired boy's eyes for some unknown reasons. His eyes were rimmed red and puffy from all the crying. Tear tracks obvious on his cheeks as well. His hair was a complete mess and he just looked so broken while sitting against the wall with his knees pulled up to his chest.

"It's nothing, Harry. I just needed to cry it out. I'm okay." Louis was muttering quietly to his friend who was seated in front of him while his arms were hugging his knees closer to himself. "Stop staring." He mumbled out after a moment when he actually realised that Harry was just staring at him, definitely not buying it.

The green eyed boy just let out a heavy sigh and shook his head a little bit when Louis was just repeatedly insisting that he was fine when he clearly was not. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." Harry said and shrugged his shoulders gently. "Let me help you, Lou. I thought we were doing okay. Do you not trust me?" He decided to ask and lowered his gaze down to his hands, visibly getting upset just by the thought.

"It's.... Complicated." Louis muttered out, whispering towards the end almost as of he did not want his friend to hear it, but Harry did. "No, Harry.. Don't think like that. I trust you. I really do." He said instantly, panicking a slight bit when he noticed how the curly haired boy seemed a little down all of a sudden. It's good enough that he feels like crap all the time. He does not want his friends to feel like that because of him as well.

"Then?" The green eyed boy whispered put softly, slowly reaching forward to take his friend's hand into his. Harry clasped both his hands around Louis' smaller one, giving him an encouraging nod for him to go on and explain about what was going on.

The feathery-haired boy kept his gaze fixed on their hands for a moment, taking in a deep breathe to calm himself down. "I don't know how to start. It's silly.." Louis muttered quietly, slowly lifting his heas to look at the curly haired boy while tears were welling up in his eyes again.

Harry shook his head and shifted himself to sit next to the blue eyed boy, keeping his hand held inside of his. "You know.. Something that sound silly to others can be a huge deal to someone else." He spoke in a gentle voice and gave Louis a small smile. "I would never judge you and you know it." He was instantly assuring the smaller boy, sighing softly. It just saddens him how Louis even thought that Harry would do that. Especially when he is trying so hard to be there for him and make him happy.

Louis was just staring at his friend, debating with himself whether or not he should open his mouth and speak up. He was just hesitant because he did not want to lose his friends. Loneliness is the only thins he has been feeling for a very long time and that part of his life was getting so much better now that he has Liam and Harry by his side. "I-I'm... I'm gay." The blue eyed boy whispered out almost as if it was something disgusting and was slowly closing in on himself, bracing himself for whatever hurtful words he thought Harry would throw at him.

Instead, he was met with silence. Complete silence. Which kind of scared him even more. But when he lifted his head to look at his face, Harry was just lifting an eyebrow and giving him that 'seriously?' face. "That's it?" He asked casually, chuckling a little when Louis very hesitantly nodded. "You got all hesitant to say that?" He asked in a rather playful way and laughed softly. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, i'm bisexual." The curly haired boy admitted with a huge smile, shrugging as if it was nothing at all.

"Y-You don't feel disgusted?" The blue eyed boy asked quietly, slowly pulling his hand back to himself and breathing quietly as he listened to his friend speak further. "Oh." He muttered under his breathe and nodded gently when he realised why it was not that big of a deal for Harry. "B-But people at school..." He started off and shook his head quickly, regretting it instantly for bringing it up.

Harry had this fond smile on his face when he was questioned about if he was disgusted. "Of course not! I like guys too. I can't hate myself for that, can I? It's just how I am." He explained simply. His smile was soon turning into a frown when he actually heard something about the students at the school did. "What did they do?" He asked instantly and only frowned more and when Louis shook his head and refused to answer. "Louis, what did they do?" He asked in a more stern way this time, raising his voice a slight bit.

And that was all it took for the tears to well up in that smaller boy's eyes again and the fear in his eyes breaking Harry's heart all over again.


a/n: im experiencing the worse writers block ever SEND HELP.

thoughts on Louis found crying in his room?

Him coming out to Harry and thinking that he would be disgusted?

Harry admitting his sexuality as well?

What do you think happened in school?

Hope you enioyed this chapter! I love you all. Do vote and comment your thoughts! ♡

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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