chapter four

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a/n: nobody can resist a cute little louis in a beanie. Am i right or am i right? Hehe hope you enjoy, my loves. (:

'I'm so sorry if I said something wrong. I didn't mean to upset you. Are you feeling better? -H'

Louis really felt bad now after he actually realised that Harry was nothing like he had assumed him to be. He cannot believe he wasted half an hour worth of his tears while hiding in the toilet cubicle after he left the school cafeteria halfway during lunch. That curly haired boy was such a nice person and Louis really felt horrible for thinking that he was just like everyone else.

'No, don't apologise. It was my fault. I just needed space. And I'm okay. Thank you for caring, Harry. I really appreciate it. -L'

The blue eyed boy wrote in response before he actually passed the note to Harry. That actually caused a smile to form on Harry's lips. Louis could not see it though since he was seated at the desk that was behind the curly haired boy.

'So we cool now? I knew you still loved me ;) -H'

And this time Louis was reading through the note with a smile on his face, just ad someone actually snatched the note out of his hands, making him gasp quietly in shock. A few of them seated in front turned, but soon turned away as if they did not care when they realised that it was just Sam; one of Nick's friend who was finding trouble with that smaller boy.

"Please, give it back." Louis pleaded almost instantly as soon as he actually realised who snatched the note off of his hands while trying to keep his voice calm and steady. He knew what to expect as soon as he realised that it was Sam and he really was not willing to put Harry through that.

"Awww.. Little fat ass here has a boyfriend, guys! Didn't know you were gay too and not just fat!" The tall blonde laughed out loudly, causing the rest of the class to start laughing as well. "What a loser.." He added on and crushed the paper before throwing it at Louis' face. And the laughters just became louder and louder despite the teacher trying to calm them down.

And that was all needed for Louis to get up, pick up his bag and limp away as fast as he could. He was just so embarrassed that he could not stay there any longer. And that was when he accidentally tripped over one of the desks and fell over. This time when he turned to look back, Harry was staring at him with wide eyes, but made no attempt to get up and help him. And that was enough for a heartbreaking ache to be felt in his chest. He felt so alone even in a place filled with so many people.

The blue eyed boy managed to someone scramble back up onto his feet before he quickly rushed out of the class, just wanting to get out of there. He really could not take the way he was made fun of and laughed at. And that is why he ended back at the same toilet cubicle, breaking down for the second time of the day. Louis was just so emotionally exhausted because of how people look at him. They look at his like he was disgusting and now he felt disgusting. He felt disgusted by himself. By his thick thighs and huge butt. He felt like such a burden to everyone, because all they ever want is for him to go away. Nobody ever appreciated or liked his presence.

He wished he never had to grow up. He wished his best friend never left. He wished he never had to move. He wished he never had to join this school. He wished people did not hate him this much. He also wished he was not some loser that everyone seemed to despise. He wished he was good-looking. He wished he was skinner. He wished he had nice hair. And most importantly, he wished people liked him.

That is why it made him feel so overwhelmed with happiness when Harry was actually so nice to him. He made Louis feel worth talking to. He made Louis feel liked. But now.... That was all taken away within a minute, leaving a broken Louis to sob over it.

"I can't, I can't, I can't..." Louis whispered to himself while tears streamed down his face. He had the toilet seat cover pulled down and was now sitting on it with his knees pulled to his chest. His arms were wrapped tightly around his legs, keeping them close to his chest. He just wanted to curl up and disappear. But that was sadly not possible.

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice called out from someone inside of the toilet which made Louis freeze immediately. He brought a hand over his mouth and prevented himself from making any noises. He did not want anyone to know he was in there. Most importantly, he did not want anyone to know that he was crying. He did not want to look any weaker in front of others.

After he was left in silence for about five minutes or so, the blue eyed boy slowly wiped the tears off his face with the sleeves of his gray before he slowly unlocked the door and peeked his head out a little bit to make sure that no one was there. He left out a quiet sigh in relief when he saw no one and trailed out of the cubicle with his bag hung over his shoulder. But as soon as he stepped out and was making his way over to the basin to wash his face, someone barged into the toilet.

Louis froze instantly when he saw who it was. No.. He thought to himself in slight shock.

a/n: hope you're enjoying so far! Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Ily all so much, you have no idea. ♡ -V

not broken. // l.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora