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Hello, my beautiful angels ♡

So I just wanted to ask a few questions so I could shape this story in a way everyone would like it (:

1. Should I include the other boys in the story? Or just Larry alone?

2. Yes or no to smut? Okay, I need to ask this because I have never written it before. Like ever. But I have read it before and it's completely normal for me. So i wanna know what you guys want (:

3. Is the way im writing fine or do you prefer if it's written in the characters' point of view? ( im more comfortable this way tho, but i wanna know what you guys think too )

4. Is there anything that is confusing for you so far in the story? Or anything that does not make sense or anything?

Please leave some comments below so I can improve on what i'm doing. Honest opinions are appreciated, regardless of how harsh they are. Haha. I love writing, but im not that good yet. I hope I will be better after some practice hehe. But I also want you guys to like it! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Love you guys so much ♡

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