chapter three

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a/n: how cute are they?!?!?! Ugh i love them so much ):

For the first time ever in his life, Louis actually felt like the lesson came to an end really fast. That was probably because he was enjoying himself while passing those small notes to Harry and getting back some in return. They seemed to get along just fine. But again, this is just the first day after all. He was not going to get his hopes up any high, because he sure as hell knows how it feels like to be dropped from all the way up there.

"So what lesson do you have next?" The curly haired boy asked Louis with a goofy little smile plastered across his face while they were walking down the hallway to get to where their lockers were. Their third period had just ended and thankfully, those two had had two classes together. Math and History. Great combination, I know.

The blue eyed boy had his bag hung over his shoulder while his arms were wrapped around his Math and History textbook. "Hmm.. Gym class first and lunch after that. What about you?" He answered Harry's question and asked him one as well.

Harry had gone off to a different class after their first period together and for some reasons, Louis was afraid. Afraid that that curly haired boy might find someone better or cooler to hang out with through that one lesson. After all, Louis gets bullied and definitely does not have that good of a reputation because of Nick and his friends. Louis always wonders where he went wrong. What exactly he did to deserve everything that those bullies put him through each day.

Harry's gaze was instantly directed down to a piece of paper in his hand, which Louis guessed as his timetable. He was right. "I have English first before I can join you for lunch!" The green eyed boy said with such excitement when he actually realised that they could have lunch together. Deep down, that really made Louis really happy. Someone was actually excited to spend time with him? Miracles do happen sometimes. Or that's what he was thinking at that point.


Gym class was obviously something Louis did not enjoy. Especially since Nick was in his class as well and when he was around, it was never a good time for that blue eyed boy. Louis ended up falling down and getting hurt, or more like getting purposely knocked down by none other than Nick. He got sent to the nurse's office for the second time of the day and he was not happy about it at all.

He had a small bandage around his knee which was bleeding earlier on before it was treated. He also had another bandage which was wrapped around his wrist to keep it a little stiff. He had fallen knees-and-hands first and the impact had injured that poor boy's wrist as well.

By the time he was done at the nurse's office, it was already time for lunch and Louis was really thankful that he did not have to go back to that lesson to face his classmates again. Nobody except for the teacher came forward to help him. They all just stood there and laughed along with Nick when he was in pain, clutching onto his knee.

"Oh my god, Lou! What the hell happened? Are you okay?" Harry gasped out as soon as he witnessed his friend limping towards the table he was sat at in the school cafetaria. Louis visibly flinched at the sound of his name and slowly relaxed when he realised that it was just Harry.

The blue eyed boy just shook his head a little bit instead of speaking and muttered a quiet 'thanks' when Harry instantly got up to help Louis sit down carefully. "So are you going to tell me how you got hurt? Did you fall down or something?" He asked more quietly this time, slowly settling back down at the seat he was at earlier.

"Yeah..." Louis muttered under his breathe and trailed off as if he was thinking twice about whether or not he should tell Harry what actually happened. The curly haired boy just gave him a pointed look and nodded gently, encouraging him to continue. "Fine. Someone pushed my while we were playing basketball. So I fell and here am I.." He mumbled and fake laughed a little.

Harry was already frowning before he completed his sentence because he already guessed what happened. He had already noticed the bruise on Louis' cheek whem they first met outside of the class, but chose not to question it in case he made him feel uncomfortable. But he had his guesses. "Who was it? Who was it that pushed you, Louis?" The curly haired boy spoke up after a moment of silence, slowly looking up at Louis's face.

Louis' gaze widened a little as he slowly came to a realisation that that curly haired boy probably knew that he was being bullied. It was actually kind of embarrassing and a little heart breaking to Louis because he felt as though this would the last time he would be able to talk to Harry like that. His only friend. Not even a friend yet. And that's just even more sad because he felt as though it was ruined even before they could be friends. He really liked how nice Harry was.

"I.... Gotta go." Louis muttered softly after glancing around to different directions, blinking his eyes rapidly to not make it obvious that there were tears forming in his eyes. He did not want to seem weak. But the sad truth is that, he was. He was beyond weak and he really wished that he could change that. And with that, the blue eyed boy rose from his seat and limped away as fast as he probably could while managing the pain, leaving a confused Harry to stare after him sadly. Harry probably thought he crossed the line with such a simple question. Everyone has their limits, after all and he had no idea what Louis' was.

a/n: hello!!! I was planning to do every 3 days, but the support and comments I've been getting so far is amazing and i really love you guys so so much for that. So here's an early updateee because you deserve it you beautiful beings! ♡ Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! (((:

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