chapter nine

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a/n: they're so precious. Protect them at all costs!! i hope you enjoy this chapter and i love you all beautiful people sm. ♡


He did not go back to class after that. He just hid in the restroom all day, waiting for the last bell to ring before he can just leave school and be back alone at his own room. Where there was no one to make fun of him. No one to call him names. No one to make him feel betrayed. Worthless. Pathetic. Lonely. It will just be him and a piece of metal blade that has been there for him more than anyone has ever done in his entire life.

Much to his relief, the bell rang at some point of time. He was not even sure how long he had been hiding in that restroom stall since he did not even bother to check his phone for the time or the worried texts that he was spammed with by Harry and Liam. He just sat there in silence while staring at the door of the stall blankly.

Louis finally gather some courage and energy to move before he eventually got up and exited the restroom stall. He rushed out of the restroom almost instantly and was about to just run towards the exit or something to get the hell put of there, but he was grabbed harshly by his arm before he was slammed against the wall next to the restroom door, letting out a choked gasp in shock.


Of course, it's that jerk who would stand in his way and cause trouble again. Louis had surprisingly managed to avoid that guy for a good few days. But seems like today really wasn't that blue eyed boy's day.

"Now, now.. What do we have here? Haven't seen this ugly face in quite a while." The taller male was muttering down to the feathery-haired boy, chuckling coldly when Louis was literally trembling in fear while his eyes were clenched shut tightly. He knew better than to try and speak anything to Nick, because that's when he usually gets hurt even more.

"Hey! Get your hands off of him!" Someone called out from a distance and Louis was so afraid to even open his eyes and look. But he could recognise that voice anywhere without even looking. "I suggest you better listen before I do something I regret." The person continued on when Nick did not seem to move a single bit.

The bully's hands slowly unclenched from the smaller boy's shirt, slowly releasing him from being pinned up against the wall before he turned to face the curly haired male who was now standing up for Louis. And for some odd reasons, that blue eyed boy wished Harry did not. He did not want him to get hurt too. "And who might you be? New here, curly?" Nick asked with a mocking laughter as he crossed his arms against his chest. "Must be, because nobody goes against my words."

The green eyed boy was walking down the hallway at the moment, his body posture seeming quite confident as he did so. His curls were bouncing around a little bit because of the speed he was walking in. "Yeah, i'm new." Harry stated blankly in response and just rolled his eyes at the last part of Nick's words. "You seem to think too highly of yourself. Because I don't go by anyone's words, but my own." He murmured out in an annoyed manner as he stepped closer to the bully who was slightly taller than Harry was. Not that it bothered him though.

While Harry was actually distracting Nick with the conversation they were currently having, Liam had actually sneakily pulled his best friend away who seemed more worried about Harry and actually refused to leave. But Liam forced him to leave together with him, assuring him that Harry would be fine and so on. Louis didn't believe it, because his gut feelings never lies to him. He just knew something was going to go wrong, but he eventually obliged and left with Liam anyway. Or, well.. He was more forced than convinced to go, to be honest. Liam is so much stronger than he is anyway.

It was the most nerve-wrecking hour of his entire life as the two best friend sat at Starbucks, waiting for that curly haired boy to finally show up. Liam had explained texted Harry to come over once he was dome with whatever he was up to.

When that green eyed boy did finally appear through the entrance, to say that Louis was relieved is definitely an understatement. "Harry!" He chanted out of nowhere and rushed out of the booth to capture the taller boy into a bone-crushing hug. A few people who were there actually stared at them weirdly for a moment before they went back to minding their own businesses.

"Wow.. That escalated real quick." The curly haired one muttered with a playful little grin, almost hugging back, but the smaller boy pulled away instantly with a glare that lasted for about three solid seconds before a smile replaced the expression.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Louis began enquiring automatically, his blue eyes frantically moving from one spot to another to check if there were any signs of the curly haired boy being hurt in any way.

Harry just gave him a small assuring smile and shook his head gently. "I'm fine, Louis. Calm down.." He murmured in a gentle tone before he glanced past the shorter boy to flash Liam a smile. He was then instantly guiding Louis back towards the booth he ran over from with his hand placed on the small of his back.

"How did it go?" Liam murmured out after both the blue and green eyed boys settled down at the booth, making themselves comfortable. He seemed to ask as though he was expecting a specific answer and that made Louis wonder of all this was planned.

Was it planned for Harry to stand up for him? For Liam to get him out of there? Was that all or was Nick part of the act too?

You're thinking too much, idiot. Louis thought to himself and took in a small breathe, exhaling it out as a quiet sigh as he watched Harry shake his head as if it didn't go as planned.

Taking not of Louis' confused expression, Harry cleared his throat a little. "Uhm, we kind of tried to get Nick suspended. You know.. For picking up a fight or something. But seems like the teachers fear his stupid father more than the students fear him." The curly haired on explained to both Liam and Louis, sighing softly.


"Harry.." Louis began after that and took in a small breathe. "I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you." He started apologising before thay green eyed boy just shook his head and gently patted Louis' hand.

"Don't." Harry murmured in return and let his hand rest over the smaller boy's. "I don't mind why you did what you did. It's over, okay? All it matters now is that, you understand that you can trust me. I'll be right by your side, just like Liam and we will pull through this together, yeah?" He spoke out with a small smile.

All Louis could do in return was to lean over and give him another tight hug as a form of 'thank you' before he did the exact same to his best friend. Because if he cannot apologise, he at least owes Harry and Liam that.


a/n: hi my loves! I know its not that interesting at the moment, but fun things are on the way as the chapters pass! Just hold on, okay? I love you and thank you for reading ♡

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