chapter six

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a/n: cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute

And... Trigger warning!!! Please do not read if you think it would affect you. I love you all and I want you to be safer than you have ever been. ♡


That was probably the worse possible day has experienced in the many years of being bullied for Louis. He got beaten up. Pushed. Emotionally and physically hurt. He was just so mentally exhausted and those were the reasons why he approaches a certain little friend for comfort every night.

"Sometimes.. I feel like you're the only real friend I have or ever had." The blue eyed boy was murmuring down to the sharp metal piece that he was holding between his fingers. "Well, obviously.. I have no friends." And with that, he gently pressed down the sharp surface against his arm that already contained many scars and slowly pulled it across. His eyes paid attention to the skin that was tearing open aand the small droplets of blood oozing out while his other hand moved to another spot to repeat the routine again.

"Who would want to be friends with someone who is this ugly, right?"

He murmured and went for another cut.

"Who would want to be friends with someone whi is this fat, right?"

Another one.

"Who would want to be friends with someone who is gay, right?"

And another one.

And he went for a total of seven rounds for that night, not even regretting any one of them at all. He felt like he deserved it. He deserved it all for being ugly, fat, gay and for being such a loser. Nobody wants to be his friend because he is just a useless waste of space.

He is not, really. But after hearing it over and over again for years, Louis began believing the words that were thrown at him. And now he hated himself. He hated himself for not being beautiful, slim and straight like everyone else. He even started believing that being gay is a horrible thing. The world sure is a cruel place.

Once he had his arm cleaned up, Louis had his favorite oversized lilac sweater pulled on, together with his black and pink striped pajama pants on. He had decided to go to bed early because he was just really tired from the long day he had had. His parents were surprisingly at home that day and yet they did not even bother to talk to their son or just check on him. They did not bother to ask why he had not come out to have dinner. They did not even check if Louis was back home.

But Louis was used to this. He was used to not being cared about. So he stopped caring about himself too. He does not bother to eat. He does not bother to try and make any friends in school. If people talk to him, that is okay. And if they do not, that is okay too. He had grown too used to this lifestyle now.

Just as that small figured boy was slowly closing his eyes, he heard his phone beep. Which caused his eyes to flutter open faster than it had closed. It has been a long long while since Louis last received a text, trust me. So he was genuinely surprised by that sound that he has not heard in quite a while. "Stupid game notifs.." He muttered under his breathe, shrugging the thought off, thinking that it's just some game notifications or something.

He sat up and grabbed his phone from the nightstand, typing in his password to unlock the device. His face instantly lit up when he saw that he indeed had a text from someone. An unknown number.

'Hey, Lou! It's Liam. Hope you're feeling better and I can't wait to see you again tomorrow. Have a good rest, buddy x'

After reading the text was when Louis remembered that he had forgotten to save his friend's number. But one good thing from the text was that, there was this small smile that was now on that blue eyed boy's face.

'Thank you for being there today. Goodnight, Liam.'

Louis typed out simply and tapped his finger over the send button. He silently stared at the text he got from Liam again and read it over and over again for about three to four times before he exited the message application and locked his phone again before setting it back onto the nightstand.

And that day, Louis went to sleep with that little smile. And that little smile was a small sign of hope that was rising within him again. Maybe, just maybe, things would start getting better. Maybe he would get a friend again. Maybe he would start smiling more. Maybe he could be happy again.


a/n: a day late with update oops.  Thanks for bearing with me, i love you all so much. ♡ And this is just a filler tbh. Like a small glimpse into what Louis does at home and so on or something like that haha. Chapter seven is published as a different book, btw! I dont know why wattpad didn't let me publish it as a chapter here ):

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