A small Engagement

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Malfoy Manner was decorated to the nines as muggles would say. Expense wasn't spared, and the feast along with the decorations was the least bit grandeur. The air was fragranced with spices, roast, and apple pies, roses, tulips, and lavender with hints of sage, rosemary and jasmine.. Not to mention the perfume of every maid and man.
It was nostalgic yet.. Suffocating.
Did I mention how loud their voices were? I'd thought I'd go deaf!
Though.. I'd have to admit.. The orchestra was amazing.

"Congratulations! When is the big day!?"

I looked up at the bulky looking lady with her hair pinned tightly behind her head, and managed a weak smile. My hand flexed in reaction to the woman's stare- the grip on Draco's hand quite tight.

"The exact date hasn't been decided yet," he lied, and looked at me with a weak reassuring gaze.

The mute high pitched tone of the wine glass stung my auditory frames, and I couldn't help but frown as I turned my vision to Lucious Malfoy.

"A toast! To the bride and groom!"

My skin crawled at the phrase. I threw my soon-to-be father-in-law a cold glare, but he returned with a smug grin. The grip on my own glass grew tight and warm as my energy began swirling red wine in it's small basin.

"To the bride and groom!" Everyone said harmoniously- mother's cackling and cheering rose higher than the monotones of the orchestrated guests.

I didn't touch the drink, and crinkled my nose, for it stank of syrupy sweet cherry.

"Ah, expecting I see.. Let me go grab you some juice," Alecto Carrow blurted- causing Draco to spit his drink onto the man to his left.
Embarrassed, he uttered a quiet,
" Sorry.." His ears burning as he avoided eye contact with the man.

The lights began to flicker as my emotions went haywire.. But again.. Draco was there to calm my nerves and prompted casually and firmly as he rested a hand atop my shoulder, "She is underage for drinking."

The woman winked, clearly believing he was making it up, "Right.. right.." She whispered as she happily skipped away.

The small celebration of mum, the Malfoys, Professor Snape, extended relations, along with a handful of officials, and a few other Death Eaters that were of the elite class, drew on quite late into the night; but I managed to kidnap Draco and escape upstairs. We curled up with a hand full of snacks in the study where we sat by the window exchanging silly stories of when we were kids. The room was cozy and quite toasty with the fire blazing in a mellow toned light, soft carpet decorated the floor and white and blue curtains dressed the widow frames as warm wood planked the floor boards.

"Ah.. It was much simpler then.." I leaned into his side as he leaned back with a nostalgic grin.

"Yea.." He paused. Sighing deeply, he went silent for the longest while. I knew what he was thinking.. Things were going to get weird from here on end..

Guess this was a good thing then- about me not going to Hogwarts that is. Though.. I often did wonder.. If I would still end up continuing at Beaubatons.

"Your hearing is tomorrow.." Draco's voice was quiet, yet it came out firm and protective as he leaned the side of his forehead against mine. He read my confused silence well.. And even though I did not stir or turn to him, he continued, in the same level tones as before," I asked father if I could come with you.. But he said it would be best that I stay away. He will also have our family's physician look at you tomorrow morning before the Minister will take you to the court house." He paused before sitting up and looking me squarely in the eyes. "You don't have to worry.. I'll be waiting for you right outside." He reassured.

I could tell he was scared, probably more scared than I was at this point. And though I had many questions, I figured everything would be revealed in the morning. The plan was set.

"What's wrong?" He read my silence once more- blast it.

"Hmm?" I turned to face him- his face really serious, and for the first time I shrank away, and diverted my gaze.

"It's about Aunt Bella isn't it." He sighed.

I stayed silent, I really didn't want to point fingers at his mother either.. But having Aunt Cissy pose as my mum with the polyjuice potion and tamper with my mind without my permission while mother was locked away in Azkaban was unforgivable.

Though she promised that all she did was make me see mother when both of them were supposed to be in the room on my birthday- I still couldn't trust her anymore..It really bothered me..

I also know something else happened between Drake and Tom.. He hadn't been the same since yesterday. And I know he wouldn't tell me about it either-not that I would ask and nag about it. I figured when he was ready he would talk about it.

"I'll be back.. I'll just go and get some fresh air." I stood up and pulled him into a reassuring hug. "We will get through this."

The door opened abruptly, and who to walk in but, "Professor Snape!" we both jumped and pulled away. He just looked at us intensely. An awkward silence arose. I actually had a funny feeling about what was going on in his head- but said nothing.

"My Lady," he greeted. The words made me feel really uncomfortable. He turned to Draco, "Might I have a word."

With a nod, Draco threw me one more soulful look before he left.

Severus frowned at me as the room grew dim. The air grew cold, as despair washed over. I nodded towards the Potions Master in silent agreement to his mental note; an understanding between just us two. "I'll see you there."

And with that a Dementor materialized from behind me, and embraced me into darkness before fading away.

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