Chapter 1

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*Huff* *Puff*

"So Sans... you tired of fighting yet??.."

Chara balances her knife on her finger as she leans on the pillar splattered with her blood, Sans was holding his wound, though something  red was spilling out, it can't be blood though... it was.... determination?. Sans injected himself with DETERMINATION when Chara reset before the present timeline, this gave him the ability to reset back to Chara's save point. His DETERMINATION was not strong enough to do a 'True Reset', but this gave him an advantage to remember and dodge Chara's attacks.

"C'mon Sans, we did this 1000 times, I've lived down here for a long time, even longer than you possibly... and I know you remember... so just say yes, try killing others for a little... twist in this story of ours, and I can reset and everyone.wont.remember....all the possibilities WE can do as a team... and also, feeling my sins crawling on my back actually feels good, just imagine, all the secrets, the roads, the doors you never opened, can be finally revealed to you, and we can RESET everything, and try another story, another plot, or even break the game were all playing with our power..."

"You think I would do all of these things and feel all tingly because of it?... that's disgusting.."

"Well then..lets see my luck next run.... until next time....Sans  =)"


"Do you.... really hate me that much?...." (behind door)

" we go.."

"Hey is this really how you great and 'old friend of yours'....Chara?"

"I see you still remember, why don't we make this qui-"

Sans places a his finger on Charas lips, doing the 'shhh' expression as he pulls Chara deeper into the woods.

"Look, remember when I said that this 'tingly feeling' is disgusting? I take it back..."

He grabs Chara's arm and pulls her head closer to his as he makes his eye glow, and you can clearly see he was grinning behind that fake smile"

"It feels great.... just the thought of it, just makes me crave it, I couldn't even wait until you get here. Just knowing that you can finally show the other side you can finally show to others, with their expression of what side you have.... priceless..... just priceless... now, why don't we rewrite this book... partner?"

His grip starts to tighten around Chara's arm while blood starts to flow out and down Sans bones, you can see the insanity bursting out of Sans, Chara wasn't disturbed by this at all, she liked it, she had a new road unlocked.

"Sans? Sans!!!! Where are you? Why aren't you at your post?????!"

"Why don't we start with hi-"

"No, Undyne would notice something off, especially with his schedule.."

"Sans! There you are you lazy bones! If you keep this up I wont be in the... royal.... guard.... Sans, is that a human?"

"No its a rock"

"Oh..... wait.... is THAT a human"

"That's a snow poff.......and a rock"

[skip, it'd just his puzzles and stuff...]

"I got this one...."

Sans says as he makes Monster Kid's soul blue and holds him  in place for Chara to strike, this was a normal move, Sans would act normal as usual, but then turn his back when Chara was struggling or  was taking to long. Sans and Chara decided to go to Griblys so Sans wouldn't seem to of.

"Hey Grilbs, hows it going?"

"Sans?! why are you calm about this?! there is a murderer running around, man I don't even know what they look like!!"

"Hey Grilbs, calm down. I'm calm cause I will see them soon and give them a bad me....."

Anyway, after Chara and Sans ate they took some food for the road cause they finally decided to invite Papyrus with the others for their 'party', Sans is Papyrus's brother AND lives with him so he knows his schedule, Undyne told Papyrus that she needs to go on patrol to check monsters if they are behind all the dust in the sand, on the ground, or floating in the water.

"Now Papyrus should be here for your fight"

"Blah Blah Blah I'm the great Papyrus blah blah blah FIGHT ME" <--Lazy to type his lines and sorry Papyrus fans

*Papyrus checks


ATK: 30
(Health 30 Lvl 8)


(Health 40 Lvl 11)

"S-Sans.....why can I 'check' you?...."

"I dunno bro-"

"And why do you have so much LV? I didn't even know you could get LV"  

Chara dashes against Papyrus, stabbing him in his spine or stomach? (he is a skeleton, give  me a break, and his art) his head falls down on the floor  as Sans smashes his arms trying to reach out for his head to re attach it to his body.

"S...Sans...why....why betray me?....your own brother...?"

"Oh, only NOW you question me? why I betrayed you? ME? YOUR the one who made me like this from the start, saying all these timelines, these resets, are all just BAD DREAMS?!, NOT BELIEVEING ME?! SAYING IM SAYING NONSENSE!?, YOUR the one who is having a GOOOOOOD TIME, am I BETRAYING YOU?!, you said 'oooh blah blah blah I'm the great papyrus and you can tell me anything and don't hide it from me I will believe cause I'm your brother nyehehegeh!' Well guess what? what did you say? you don't believe me  cause its all just a dream?! A DREAM!?, well now let me tell you this...'bro'.....THIS is the BAD DREAM your telling me, what I TRY to  tell YOU. YOUR THE ONE WHO CORRUPTED ME. WHO MADE ME  THIS WAY.

Sans says as he holds Papyrus's head and near his, showing his glowing eye while Papyrus cries orange tears. Chara looking in awe to Sans, while playing with the edge of her knife while watching this beautiful scene.

"Well...guess this is goodbye, brother...... .*)"  <---sans glowing eye smile

He  throws his brothers head on the ground and smashing it with his foot, making  dust jump on his face from  his impact,he uses his power to carry Papyru's dust and crushing it even more....

"That's the spirit Sans...."

Try A Twist In Your Story(Sans x Chara)Where stories live. Discover now