Chapter 3

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  (P= Papy T=Toriel FF=Good timeline Frisk F=Bad Timeline Frisk or Genocide with Sans SS= Good Sans S=Bad Sans U=Undyne A=Asgore AA=Good timeline Alphys SAA=Bad timeline Alphys C=Chara) 

S- You....


*everyone talking in the background to Alphy's (SAA &AA)*

P-Guys! urk.....Help!

S- Your all idiots now are you?, you'll NEVER change the way people see this world, you all can never change the world into that 'better place' you all dreamed of!, so, are you all going to stand there and watch me tare this hopeless,stupid, worthless brother of mine?!

Sans says as he lifts papyrus up, slowly crushing him starting at the legs, he slowly fades away while the crushed parts of him turn into dust.

S- Those expressions...priceless....

Frisk though (FF) was sneaking behind Papyrus and leaps behind him, slowly climbing up, THEY jump over to to Sans who was facing the other way to the horrified crowd looking at him slowly killing his brother, leaping behind his head, showing no mercy, Frisk starts slowly sinking in THEIR toy knife into Sans (S) arm, showing DETERMINATION flowing out. Sans (S) screams in agony which makes him let go of Papyrus as he falls to his knees.

S- Ahhhhh!!!! get of me!! you idiot, get of me!

Sans (S) was able to throw Frisk (FF) to the crowd and of his arm, but the toy knife is still there, he holds his arm tightly while the red substance spills on the floor,slowly dripping of his fingers.

S- You little shit....put a scar on me? do you like the taste of your own blood?!

Sans (S) uses 'Gaster Blaster' which kills Frisk (FF), though Sans was really mad and somehow managed to make the gaster blaster strong enough to kill Frisk but not enough to make them disappear, he grabs Frisk's dead body and uses his blue attack and makes him go up down, down, left, right, up, right, up, left and down, doing this at the same time while bones come out of the place THEY are brought to, soon he makes a line of bones that look like something you can sit on, he brings the bed of bones up, and smashes it on Frisk, making blood splatter all around the room, Sans lickss away the blood on his hand-, wait, Sans has a tongue?. 

Lesson time 

Hi, I am Cela, also known as Pencilgirl. In my fanfiction, Sans has a tongue, he also has fangs. But Cela,if he has a tongue and fangs, where are they placed? since Sans cant open his mouth.

Well, he can open his mouth, he just does not like showing it to others, but what is really weird for a character like this...well not in this fanfic, he likes- no he LOVES the taste of blood,every human that came down he captured them and hid behind what seems like a huge snow poff near the door to the ruins in snow din, and there he would suck the life out of them, 1 human died to him, while 4 escaped him, they all faced the same puzzle Frisk had, Sans was also at every scene when Papy did his puzzles, every human was scared from the sight of him, but when Frisk came down, Sans felt something strange with them, it was Chara, (Ch-ara, K-ara, idgaf, i call THEM K-ara but call them any way you want to...-.-) Frisk did reset when they reached the surface, THEY liked befriending all of the monsters there over and over again, he did it again and again that he was supposed to be a grown up, but is just in the 20's, when THEY were an orphan, they did get adopted, but fell into the hole, all the other kids didn't know they got adopted before cause they were still small and didn't know a thing, but all of them are like 26 or 27+ now, Frisk is still 20 cause of all the RESET's they did, when Frisk kept befriending everyone, they (Chara and Frisk) got bored, soon Chara gave the option 'GENOCIDE' , they (C) said that if they kill then they can reset all the things they did and try 'something new', they (C) corrupted Frisk like what they (C) did to Sans, makes sense now right? im so smart :D, ever since fighting Chara, Sans tasted the blood and mistaken it for catsup, his first taste made him want more and more, slowly drifting of to darkness, this was also one of the cause for Sans to go all nuts.

spot out something weird in this explanation??? tell me, and i might mention you when its time to show what is the thing that is of in this.

Now back to the fanfic :D

    (P= Papy T=Toriel FF=Good timeline Frisk F=Bad Timeline Frisk or Genocide with Sans SS= Good Sans S=Bad Sans U=Undyne A=Asgore AA=Good timeline Alphys SAA=Bad timeline Alphys C=Chara) 

T-Frisk! (FF)  

[Saved file loaded]

FF- Dont worry mom, im alright.

S-You...really dont know how to give up kid....dont ya'?

Sans pulls the knife out of his left arm (which he uses for magic and shit) and throws it at Sans (SS) but he (SS) uses teleportation and dodges the knife, he appears behind Sans (S) and punches him behind his head, Sans (S) cough's out DETERMINATION and slumps down, but before he does something comes out of his right eye, slowly forms into a human infront of sans body on the ground.

C- You are all such wonderful, buying me time to get more DETERMINATION while i was in Sans, and thanks Alphys, there were a lot of DETERMINATION in your lab, i hope you are happy, we did some cleaning in there, there was so much DUST that we even had to turn on the electric fans, and i think i will take this (SAA) thank you very much*Chara somehow was able to grab Alphys (SAA) using some blob tentacle that was black and grabs her, like a black vine*, now me and my accomplice will be going now, have fun placing the pieces back together, cause the final piece is broken =)

*Chara and Sans disappear with Alphys (SAA)

Try A Twist In Your Story(Sans x Chara)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz