Chapter 8

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*I bet you guys are thinking this is a prank cuz its April 2, just saying it's not, I'll explain it in the long ass authors note later


Chara's psychotic laugh echoed throughout the room as everyone kept running for their lives. Soon after the familiar sound of a game button was pressed followed suit by the sound of soemthing, or someone chasing after them not too far back

"Get back here!! All I want is some fun!!"

The group ran even faster, desperate to get away from the sadistic killer behind them. Though it worked for a bit, the fatigue they developed suddenly started to wash over every single one of them bit by bit. Their legs felt more weak starting form the tighs, it became harder to breath, and worse, they started slowing down

Gaster suddenly came up with an idea, "Flowey," he called out quietly to the little flower in his hand "what?" Flowey responds. "You burrow into the ground and get to that corner over there, I'll lead the group and you stair Chara to buy us some time to run out of this area"

Flowey didn't need to be told twice before he jumped out of his hand and into the ground. Gaster slipped himself around the middle of the running group so that everyone around could hear

He discussed the plan as everyone nodded in agreement. Pacifist frisk started crying, Chara's chaotic voice in the background and the possibility of being completely deleted from the game scared them so much

Pacifist Sans held onto Pacifist frisk and gave him an assuring smile, earning one in return as well

It seems like forever but they finally reached where they'd turn, so, they took a sharp left and saw Flowey waiting near the wall with vines set everywhere to create somehow some net or something to hold Chara down

Everyone jumped over the little vine on the ground for tripping purposes and headed out of the area. Flowey stayed behind and looked out for Chara, but he heard nothing

He tried to listen closely but only heard the faint sound of his breathing. He convinced himself that the coast was clear and removed the vines, he was halfway burrowing into the ground again to catch up with the group but then a sharp blade came in contact with half of his head

A hand surged towards him and forcefully yanked him from the ground. He was brought to make eye contact with her, this creature. Chara's eyes bled with black and stared at the yellow flower with her soulless eyes of nothingness

Chara smiled, and held onto him tighter and continued chasing the group

They panted and tried to take in more air as their feet kept dragging them to anywhere safe, their life was on the line, they didn't have the choice to stop now

"Where exactly are we going?" Pacifist Alphys suddenly asked, her voice cracking a bit and obviously struggling to talk properly

"Just follow me to the river, I have a certain room we can stay in for now" Gaster replied. It didn't take long before they got to the said room, everyone hurriedly went into the room and closed the door, followed suite by gaster disguising it to make sure Chara doesn't find them

Inside, nobody said anything, it was too difficult for everyone to process what was happening. Genocide Sans suddenly broke down out of nowhere and fell onto his knees, tears streaming down his face and falling onto the cold floor

Pacifist Sans looked at his brother and mentioned him to come along as they made their way to the crying skeleton

"'s alright" Pacifist Sans said in a surpsignly soft voice

Genocide Sans only cried harder, bawling his eyes and letting out so much pent up emotions "I don't know what's happening to me anymore! My brain is just, ah! I'm just so confused with myself, I don't know what to do!!" He screamed

Gaster gave the two brothers a worried look and did the "lower it down" hand motion

Papyrus then rubbed genocide Sans' back "I know crying is a good exercise but you have to lower down your voice or else Chara might hear u-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT NAME" Genocide Sans suddenly yelled out and pushed both of them away "She did this to me! She's making me feel these things! She ruined me!!" His arms were shaking as he tried to keep a strong demeanor, obviously failing

"She...did this..."

Everyone stared at him, one eye glowed blue, but it wasn't because of anger or revenge, but more of sadness and agony

Frisk stood up and made their way to Sans. They tugged on his jacket sleeve and tilted their head when Sans looked

"Aw kid, you're gonna kill me with cuteness, stop it" Sans said weakly, rubbing away some tears as new ones came to substitute it

"Sans...what's with you and Chara? It's obvious that you don't hate her, but, you also don't like her, can you explain?" Frisk asked, they held onto the jacket sleeve with both hands now and clutched it tightly, giving pleading eyes towards Sans with their adorable closed eyes

"'s hard to explain, honestly"

"Sans it's alright, just tell it to us in any way you can, we just need to know" undyne assured, everyone nodded in agreement and circled around Sans

He felt a panic attack start to form, the sudden feeling of difficulty to breath was building up and the heavy weight on his chest increased

In the midst of his midlife crisis, he felt a hand hold onto his own tightly which snapped him out from his depressed stance

He looked up and saw Pacifist Sans giving him a genuine smile of comfort and nodded his head, Papyrus helping by running his back to calm him down

"Please don't freak out and be open about this..." Sans said in a rather scared tone. Everyone immediately agreed and ushered him to continue

"It just feels like Chara uses me for her purposes only, while for me, I actually like her in some way..."

Word count: 1034 :^)

I can explain this sudden update !!

It's been practically a year...? Idk I don't remember, but it's been so long and I feel sorta better. I'm still depressed in a way, sadly, but I'm getting over my sadness when I see these books bit by bit, it doesn't hurt as much now so I decided to give an update as a thank you for all of your guys' support, maybe you guys aren't even reading this cause you've moved on from this god awful book but, even though I know nobody's gonna read this, thank you, thank you so much for your support!!

This book reached 7.67k reads and 139 votes like, holy cow that's so much. I never even liked this book form the begining because of how bad I wrote it, yet, people still read and supported it and it just makes me so happy

I remember not too far back it was only at 3.12k, then it jumps to 7.67k??!! Like how?! I'm just so thankful and happy to have supporters like you, hopefully me writing is better than before too, it was just sooo bad ;;;; it still is but eh

I'm not saying I'm gonna be committed to updating this nor my Tokyo ghoul one, I'm still really busy with personal issues, it's worse than before so I need more time to ya know, cry to let out masked emotions than update haha

I'm not gonna get into that shit, so yea, I just wanted to update again as an appreciation to all of my lovely readers

Again, for the millionth time, thank you so much everybody!!! You all made a mark in my life, soemthing I'd never forget, I can't thank you all enough >\\\\\<

-pencilgirl ♡♡♡♡

Try A Twist In Your Story(Sans x Chara)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ