Chapter 2

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A/N: Guys idk why my font is like this, I didn't care to check how to use the type thing  here on wattpad cause I'm to lazy to do it (pls don't copy me) so pls tell me how thx.


" scared...I cant understand our situation..."

"Its ok Alphys, we will find a way to stop this, trust me?"



Chara and Sans were heading towards Hotland, Chara decided they split up so it could be quicker and that Sans can finally kill something alone, not with Chara. Though even if Chara was some spirit that corrupted Frisk's mind that gave her the ability to bring Frisk into deep sleep while she takes over and controls THEIR body, she only slices monsters to kill them, pretty harmful but not as violent as the way Sans kill monsters, first he lifts them up, throws them around until half health, he takes of limb by limb while each turn into dust once its of the monsters body and leaving the head for last (he has the ability to keep the soul alive even if the body is gone), he throws the head down on the floor and smashes it with his foot, but if its a monster that's like a vulkin he takes of the arms and legs and tares the monster in half. He became this more corrupted when he killed his brother, though Alphys didn't see what Sans was doing cause the camera follows Chara around or focuses on THEM.

"Stop. Right. There."


"That's right Sans, now say betrayer..."

Undyne throws spears at him as he dodges and tries to secretly get her spear.

"What are you talking 'bout bud?"

"Don't 'bud' ME, I know what you did, to Papyrus, to Grilby, to all the monsters....I KNOW"

" late now to say sorry.....but I cant blame ya'"


"Look i didn't come here to argue...but..."

Sans uses his attack and turns Undyne blue and squeezes her.


"Pretty bad timing for questions....."

He then tares Undyne in half, her half slowly turns into dust as sans steps on it more. Sans and Chara continue to walk down the path while checking every corner and inch of the road going to Alphy's lab, when they reach her  lab they can hear her say 'oh no oh no oh no' but when they enter they didn't see anyone, they searched high and low, nothing, still nothing, they decide to move on and see other monsters pushing eachother to get out to the core. though this became a massacre cause sans put them all together and made sure they wouldn't run while Chara would finish them of.

"Wh....what the?.....(damnit Frisk...out of all times...) S..Sans...."

"Huh? Chara whats wrong?..."

"I....I think Frisk is waking up....hurry finish them of..."

Sans uses then places all the monsters in one cage and makes bones come out of the ground, stabbing every monster there. Suddenly, a familiar tug on his jacket was done right after he heard Chara's suffering sounds end

"Sans....why are you doing this?"


*Frisk comforts Sans

" know there is no turning back....the consequences will never end but the route will....give up"

*Sans uses 'Gaster Blaster on Frisk*

"Sans...please, I know you can change, I know this messed you up but we can go back"

*Frisk checks


(HP 66 LV 17)

"Sans, remember that time when we ate fries at Grilby's and then the ketchup was all over mine and you gave me yours? or when Papyrus forgot to activate the electricity floor?, or when....we shaked hands and you did the whoopee cushion trick on me?...."


*Sans slowly reaches out

"Oh Sans....going back to the one I know and really want to go back? after all our progress? c'mon just remember that feeling of hearing their screams, hearing them disappear into nothing in the air, leaving a trail of dust on the way. and we could just RESET and no one will remember..."

*Chara's spirit slowly wraps around Sans body

"Why don't I help you out Sans?"

*Chara slowly sinks into Sans right eye

"Sans? are we going to do this all over again? become buddies?...... please....?"

"You really idiot Frisk..."

Sans right eye starts to glow as well but it was RED, it was Chara.

[Load save file]

"A true friend wont come back Frisk, stop reloading.....AND JUST DIE"

[Load save file]

"Other Alphys were here!, we tried to get here as fast as we could!"

It was Sans, wait, Sans was fighting Frisk, and he still is.

"Thank goodness your all alright, now hurry!, hold the other Sans down! (The one who works with Chara)"

"Hey! What the? LET ME GO! you all will NEVER understand...just the feeling, of knowing everyone you know and love thinks your insane?! saying everything i 'imagine' never existed?!..haha...haha....hahahahahahahaaha!!!!, IDIOTS, just PURE IDIOTS. YOU. WILL. ALL DIE. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU PRAY,NO MATER HOW MUCH YOU BEG, JUST A RESET.....and everything will be be re done...AND I CAN KILL YOU ALL AGAIN AND AGAIN, YOU WILL ALL SEE HOW I REALLY SEE THE WORLD. AND BOTH SANS HERE THINKS THE SAME.....C'MON DONT HIDE....WE.ARE.THE.SAME.PEOPLE.IF.YOU.LIKE.IT.OR.NOT....we  are....."

Tears rolling out of Sans as he twitches his head, his glowing eye filled with fury, insanity, just itching to tare all of those defenseless souls in half.  

(P= Papy T=Toriel FF=Good timeline Frisk F=Bad Timeline Frisk or Genocide with Sans SS= Good Sans S=Bad Sans U=Undyne  A=Asgore AA=Good timeline Alphys SAA=Bad timeline Alphys C=Chara)

SS - What the hell is going on here?!

P- Sans.... (SS) do you really think this world that way?....

SS- N-no of course not!

S- As i said, we are the same Sans (SS)....*Sans (S) tilts his head grinning as his right eye slowly turns red a little* whether you like it or not....

*S uses gaster blaster

T- That's quite enough Sans (S) you did enough harm in this timeline

SAA- I just need to get the spirit inside him out so when we RESET she wont be in Sans

C- Oh you think I'm leaving my 'partner'? bad guess Alphy, I'm not letting you ruin our plan.

FF- Sans (SS) I'm scared....

SS- Its ok Frisk (FF) its ok, c'mere, ill give you a hug

A- Stay DETERMINED Frisk (FF) everything will be alright soon

U- Im sure he and his partner can be harmed by magical spears! fuhuhuhuhu!

F - Um...Alphys?....what should we do?...afterall, Chara didn't make him this broken, he already was but hid can we let Sans see the world as he did at the first run?...

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