Chapter 5

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   (A/N): going for a good plot for you guys (sorry for the long update, check my profile,if you didn't and you were reading this book, im sorry but thats how i am, just finished FMAB (anime) :3) enjoy! 

(P= Papy T=Toriel FF=Good timeline Frisk F=Bad Timeline Frisk or Genocide with Sans SS= Good Sans S=Bad Sans U=Undyne A=Asgore AA=Good timeline Alphys SAA=Bad timeline Alphys C=Chara FL- Flowey) 


SAA- um....Toriel....


SAA-  i think i have something......remember when you said you did not watch them? i just noticed, didn't you see a slight difference if Chara's face when she showed herself? she was also locking eyes with you most of the time Toriel, and if i am not mistaken....Sans mentioned something about experiencing all of this that means, Sans is the only one who remembers similar events like these, i also saw that he was seriously angry when he tore my timeline Undyne in half, and i remember small bits of these things in my dreams, or the dreams i can remember, wait....Alphys! (AA), remember when i asked you to ask your Frisk since they all reset but we are just 1 time ahead, tell me, what did they say?

AA- The only thing they said was what i believe is a song, they said they cant tell cause it will open the door already to easy, and that the world is stopping them to talk...i wrote it down all the things i found useful for you,the other lyrics make no sense, here.


(These are some lyrics from JubyPhonic's cover of Hatsune Miku's  'Game of Life' song, its at the top of this chapter)

My first life was so boring just forget i mentioned it
And my second life seemed to let me do all of the things my first life didn't
Third life was a hateful man all poison to the bone
In my fourth, i played the piano but just didn't have the eyes to read the notes

In my fifth life i supported girls - of course wasn't all
My sixth life was corrupted but i guess it was a little fun
Seventh life i cried so much and all i did was mourn
In my eight life i was so rich i could have bought the world and everything
In this life is played by a flanky god
He gambles every life
Try to escape but you know the path your on  is game and set

See how the game of life is playing all of us for fools, dancing a string around us making all these silly rules
See how he looks down on us like were acting out a show, throw the dice and lets see which head will roll

By nine i drew some manga but the deadlines left me dead
My tenth life was a teacher, as a pedo*****, I worked part time

Next life was eleventh, sorry i try to forget,never could describe how awful, no im terrified to think of all

The things that such a DIE can do, kinda crazy, deciding everyday
Try to escape but the days repeat and keeping you here to stay


SAA- Hold on......Frisk come in here for a second...

(Frisk and Alphys go to a room so they can talk in private)

SAA- tell me, just nod if im right...first life,bored, you did not know what you were doing...correct?


SAA- Second life is what i believe the opposite of the first life, but from my deductions you said earlier 'like the first run' and about sans being happy, so its a neutral, right? *nod* so the second you killed, the things you did not, correct? *nods* 

SAA- Third, hateful, so you killed here right? but not all since it said bone, but we dont have those, only humans from my research, and we have you killed yourself then reset, correct? *Nods*

SAA- fourth was about a piano but did not have eyes to read notes so it was hard, you did the piano puzzle, so you did neutral, this is just a guess *Nods* so you did the puzzle but was hard to remember cause you need to know the tone of the arrows, so no eyes *Nods*

SAA-fifth, i remember being alive with all the other girls but then woke up at the start of that day, so you killed all the boys, correct? *Nods*

SAA-Sixth, corrupted, i already know thats genocide *nods*

SAA- Seventh is only mourn, you killed and felt bad so you reset *Nods*

SAA- Eight is rich, so i think you did genocide again, but you JUST felt bad for killing the last run, so i think Chara was telling you that, correct? *nods*

SAA- Nine is draw Manga, i know manga, its anime comics, you decided what to do but then lost control cause of the chara took control? *Nods*

SAA- Tenth says Pedo, so you liked somebody younger than you, and you were older that run, right? *Nods*

SAA-Eleventh, you want to forget, so Chara took all control, so the next run is this timeline which has Chara the one walking and talking, and i know there was going to be more runs that this, so you could not reset nor save, or do anything, but could not see the runs too, right *Nods*

SAA-There is a rumor that there is a dog that is inside some place that controls everything, and guess what they wear, a string around their neck to be walked, so his string is on us, as he is the one being said as the god of the underground, the all over controler, and since it says what a DIE can do, then it explains your reset's or saves, and to try and escape this thing that is happening because of repeat days, and that shows your resets, so that are the smaller form of god being used to create different plots or interest in this so called 'Game of Life' which is the name of the song! *Nods happily*

SAA- Great! we need to tell the others!




C-They found out....

S-......Lets go....

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