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The world ran on Dreams. These sort of dreams weren't the weird scenarios that played back every night, these Dreams were the new human life source. The Fossil Fuels we relied on for our energy was running thin and that's usually when people start looking for a miracle. Everyone looked high and low. Spending money to access areas that haven't been searched- the poor and rich were now together in the hunt to look for the new something… Problem was, we didn't know what this something was. Scientist just had a theory, that there was something that was like Fossil Fuels. Their theory was so vague that the trust people had in scientist degraded. People banded together into groups, to dig through the earth. Then, in 2015- a small country group in Michigan hit something. They dung it out and rang authorities to come and examine their finding. It was a purple stone that glowed on the inside. There were some scientist that managed to stay on their profession after the peoples outburst and they were allowed to look at the stone. It was layers of different purples and in the middle it glowed a bright white.

It was around 2017 when the news was sent out. This was the new something. People went digging every place in Michigan and had holes sprout in every corner, it looked horrible, but people were desperate. The Scientist decided to look at the glow inside and split the rock in half- The moment they did, The Dreams Epidemic had spread throughout the world.

The moment the scientist struck the stones light- the "White Flash" happened. No one was able to sense anything. It was like everyone died and went to heaven for a few minuets. It can't be really explained since no one knew what was going on at the time, but we knew something had changed during the "White Flash". Everyone awakened up from the ground they were and there were many casualties since some people fell from high ground. But the moment we re opened our eyes… We became invincible as the human race. You can say that we got the human powers we wanted. We were able to teleport and carry heavy things. We became the tools we used everyday. It took us awhile to understand the situation. House wives had heat ray vision shooting out their eyes and they used that to cook and make life easier. It took 6 years for everyone to grow accustomed to this. Even new offsprings had abilities and this put people into a state of chaos at one point. The crime rate rose quickly and even though people had powers they didn't know how to use them properly. Authorities and laws were changed and a new era was lifting because we didn't even need fire arms anymore. 2 years of crimes and then there came people who could tell the future and they were accessed a spot in the force to predict the next attack and by the time the criminal even set their operations- they'd be surrounded. It was pretty bizzar really, We would dream of these powers and hope they'd appear, when powers were just sealed underneath us. These powers we had, were named Dreams and it's what we relied on day by day.

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