Chapter 5

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I eventually came across something different from the constant dry walls. There were bars etched onto a hole in the wall. It was a cell, a prison cell. The bars were dream activated and inside was a middle aged man. He had a lot of facial hair that covered his lips and long enough hair to make him look like Jesus. He twitched and I jumped back. Jumping back, I tripped and fell, making sound. The man opened his eyes instantly. He stared at me. Cold, Sharp brown eyes. He rolled his head around and sighed. He looked at me more calmly now. I stood back up and went a little closer to the cell.

"That old man send you here?" He said.

"the puppeteer?"

" that guy"

He groaned and brought his legs to bend and stood up. He staggered over to the bars and whispered in a sharp, but quiet voice. 

" Don't piss these prisoners off or your done for before you even understand why you're here"

I looked at him seriously.

"Are you dreamless too?" I asked.

"DREAMLESS!!!" He laughed a cracked laughter and he laughed so much he started snorting and I swear I saw that he almost cried.

He forcibly grabbed my wrist and my top hair. His hands tightened- making my head hurt from all the pulled hair.

"BOY. They're terrified of the dreamless." He released me and went backwards and slid back to his original position. "Up ahead are more cells- Don't look at those guys in the eyes" The man sighed again and began to sleep. I was a bit surprised he didn't kill me. I backed up a bit and started to turn and go through the tunnel.

He was right. There was other cells. Some containing bones, some with buff and tough looking ones, sleeping ones and empty ones. I did as the guy said and looked straight. There was a point where I was passing a sleeping one and when i looked closer I saw a girl there. Maybe she was like me. I didn't pay it much mind and went on. I some how managed to reach a steel door- like an idiot, i knocked.

It was silent the first time I knocked. Knocked a little harder.Silence. There wasn't any sound. I turned around to ask one of the people in the cells about it but the door went power swinging over and hitting me in the back. I was sent flying! I went in the middle of the damn rows of prisoners and they started laughing! I looked back to who the hell just did that. A tall man came hovering over me. He was so skinny- like pencil skinny. Ridiculously too skinny to be a guy. His face looked so blank. He scanned me and looked at his all important looking clipboard. 

"ah…Yes…Licht" he went over me and started walking through the cells.

I stood up and whipped off my shirt. I could still hear a bunch of them snickering and giggling. I got pissed and clenched my fists and teeth. 

"Kia Licht?"

"It's Kai"

"oh. ok then. His face ticked me off so much, "Know-it-all" look on his face made me feel like I needed to punch it. I looked over at him and he looked back.

"Alright, Alright. You'll be sharing a cell with someone for the first few weeks. If he wants to- he can probably answer any questions you have."

"If he wants to?"

"… IF ." He passed me and went skidding back to his steel doored office.

The bars opened and grabbed me, throwing me in the cell. I see. Automate cells. I looked around the cell but I didn't see anyone. I wiped my face with my shirt and looked around. Dammit- How the hell did I get into this?

I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees. I lowered my head and doze off.

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