Chapter 4

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The puppeteer looked to be around his 40s. His face was square and his long strands of hair fell to his shoulders. The moment he opened his eyes- The guard behind me dropped to the ground. His dark brown eyes looked at me. He leaned forward and beckoned me to step towards him. I did as I was told. "

" Now then… You must have gone through a not so nice welcoming trip."

He started. I stood there silent and looking pass his eyes to the ground behind him.

"If you have any questions- Now is when you can ask." He smiled at me, But I don't need powers to see through that bullshit he was giving me.

" Alright then, What is this place?"

"This is Ein Prison" he said quickly.

"What am I doing here?"

He leaned back and smiled at me again- He took out a clip board from the side.

" Kai Licht, 15 years old. Dreamless."

"Yeah?… So?"

"You're Dreamless!"

I smirked and looked to the side. 

" You've gotta be kidding me- THAT is your reason? REALLY?"

"It's reason enough."

I looked the man in the face, leaned in close and laughed. This was beyond stupid.

"I AM DREAMLESS!! Do I need to repeat? I can't do anything to you guys! Why are you so threatened that you need to abduct me and send me to prison?"

The man was silent then closed his eyes again- Here we go. The lifeless guards came back up and held back my hands again. They led me straight, pass the puppeteer and had me stand on a wooden platform stuck in the middle of the dirt floors.  I stood there for like 5 minuets and when I decided to move out the platform because it made me feel weird. The wooden platform dropped. IT JUST DROPPED. I was on that platform and it dropped down. It went so fast that it made me sick to the stomach. I fell down to all my fours and had trouble breathing. I was panting and my throat grew numb and I was gasping and gasping for air. My black shirt fluttered in all directions and It felt like death. The platform slowed down and came to a stop. I was hyperventilating and I dropped down to rest and catch my breath. My chest felt tight and i was not in the best condition. I was bruised and beat up and to top it off- They nearly killed me dropping me down that fast. I raised my head and looked at the cave like interior of where I had ended up. It was and underground prison. I've learned about these before. There were some prisons underground because our dreams often diminished and didn't work underground from a certain range. I wobbled up to my feet and stepped of the platform, Half expecting it to raise up again fast as hell taking it with me and not even giving me the chance to step off. Nothing happened though. My beaten sneakers touched the dirt ground with small and big pebbles around it.There were torches to the sides and there was two tunnels in front of me. One to the left and right but nothing to tell me if they were different of not. Just what did they expect me to do here? Choose? Was it a game? I gambled and choose to go right. As I walked along the wall- the deeper i went in, the colder. Shivers went down my spine and It seemed so endless. 

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