Chapter 6

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I was concerned about this- Like any abducted person would be. I was freaking out inside my mind and I though this was just a dream but the pain felt real. I felt something cold on my hand. My head was growing heavy and I winced at the chill running through my body. I shut up eyes tighter and my forehead grew hotter. I opened my eyes and gasped rapidly. My vision was blurred at first but as i saw clearer i saw someone across from me. I straightened my back and blinked rapidly to adjust my vision. It was guy. Probably around my age. He had dirty blond hair and silver eyes. His wore the same clothing as the authorities. I looked at him sharply while his head was still down. 

"Hello?" I waited for his to respond. He lifted his head slowly.

"What?" The atmosphere was dense. I didn't speak anymore and I just sat across from him wondering if he was like me to.

"So- I'm your cellmate for now." He nodded. I didn't know what else to say.

"have any questions?" 



Then it's started. To get my answers- answered.

I decided to introduce myself first though. I told him my name and he told me his. He was 15- like me- and his name was Jerry Holdeng. I asked about his uniform and if he was part of the authorities but he formed and "X" with his two fingers. I guess he didn't wanna answer that. I asked him if he was like me- he nodded.

"Why... am I here?"

He smirked. "Because you're dreamless."

"Yeah, I sorta go that but specifically speaking. What does being dreamless have to do with any of this?"

He reached into his pants pocket and took out a pencil. He held the pencil in front of him and looked at it intensly. 

"The Dreamless are so much more than they are given credit for."

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