Chapter 3

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One of the men set my mind to sleep as he shoved me inside the car. I fell to a deep sleep, Unaware of what just happened, still unclear about what my parents hadn't done. My face stung, The floor of the van was so cold that it made my face red. The van was squalid and bleak. The van shook and jumped and I assumed we were on bumpy terrain. I sat up , my hands still cuffed to my back. No one was here. I tried to stand up but every few seconds there would be a bump that had me stumbling to the ground. I groaned in pain from being tossed around the steel walls. I tried calling out but I'm pretty sure people wouldn't respond. 

My wrists were starting to hurt. The metal of the cuffs kept me binder and there really wasn't anything I could do. As If I weren't as helpless already, now I had authorities to prove it. Then the car came to a abrupt stop- I'm guessing we had arrived where ever I was taken. The metal door swung open and men in covered in metal clothing up to their hair grabbed both my arms and pulled me out the van. There were 4 other men just standing guard, Didn't understand why they need to secure me so much, I'm pretty sure they knew I was powerless. I was brought around the van and I could barely see anything around me. We were on a dirt path and beside I could see the side of a mountain. We were probably in the Ein Mountains. I learned about it in Landscapes class. The Ein mountains were man made- Yup, there were the highest, most isolated and hardest to reach place- Even if you had powers. They were named after an old genius called Einstein. After we got powers everyone assumed Einstein also somehow got dreams because he had used more of his brain than the normal human. So now, A geniuses story became a short cut to life. The dirt and rock paths were difficult to walk along on, especially when all my strength had been drained out trying to stand up in the van. My knees were wobbly but the guard kept me up. Their faces were covered in black plastic and I couldn't see what they looked like. We were so high up that you couldn't see the ground. There was fog all around and it looked like we were walking on the sky. After a few 10 minuets of shoving and pushing, something came to view. It was a Blue Metal building. About as big as the long destroyed Taj Mahal. the doors were laser cut steel and even though there weren't any guard near the entrance- They were defiantly there. One of the guards went to the door and whispered something that I could;t make out. The doors opened and the led me inside. I didn't know what this facility was but It looked a whole lot like a hellish prison for sure. I look to the side at the guard holding down my right arm and asked him, "What is this place?" No response. Knew it. Either these guys were real people who were ordered not to talk of puppets controlled by a puppeteer official. Puppeteers could control anyone or anything as long as they attached their puppet string to them. Then as I walked deeper straight down- I saw the man controlling these guards out in the open. His eyes closed and as I stepped forward he gave a long and distraught sigh.

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