Chapter 7

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Jerry stood up and stretched his arms to his back and rolled his neck. He touched the 3rd bar of the cell bars and he walked out there like it was so natural. Was this ok? He just waltz out there. I stood up and touched the bar too but the bar just extended and pushed me. What gives?

"Hey- Wait! You didn't answer my question!"

He looked behind me.

"I never said I'd answer them all"

" WHAT?"

"Alright- Bye!"


I ran to follow him but I completely forgot about the bars and I guess I was a idiot for EVER forgetting that they were still there. How'd he get the cell bars to open? Man, that guy really is getting on my nerve. I sa on the ground in disappointment and sighed. There really wasn't anything I could do now. I looked around the cell and tried to see anything through the bars. The skinny man was coming up from the hall. I backed up quickly and went to one corner hoping that he didn't see me. Tough lucky. He stopped at my cell and he sharply turned.

" Licht- Lunch" 

I rose up from my hudled state and slowly went to the cell bars. They opened and I went out. He lead me along the hallways- I checked every cell but they were all empty.

"Uhm... Where'd everyone go?"

"To the field."


"You're new here so the cell bars don't trust you yet. By the time they do trust you, you can go out and do what you want. No one can escape because of this places interior. "

We passed by the first cell mate I had met and the wretched elevator and suprisingly that walk went faster than before. He gestured me to go through the left tunnel .

"Aren't you going to show me around?"

"Where do you think you are? Besides- I can't past this point."

He looked at me at disgust and in a snotty tone he said: " I'm not ...Dreamless." He walked off back to the cells tunnle and I went of forward towards the left tunnle. I walked a short few minuets and they the room widedned into a cave and dome like room. There was a counter on the right side. I made my way towards the counter.



There was a familiar voice I heard. The same voice I had heard all my life- It was Sora. Of course it wasn't the same Sora but she was programed just the same.


"Yes? Prisoner"

" Where is this?"

"Prisoner, You are now in the cross point.  You can see that there are 3 elevators on the right. The first elevator will lead you to the Canteen- The second will lead to the infirmary and the 3rd will lead to the showers."

"Oh, Thank you"

I turned to my right and went to the first elevator- I was growing hungry after all that energy I wasted getting here. Just hope these guys give us at least a decent meal. I entered the elveator and was surprised they even had these here. This elavator wasn't dream powered, it was like the ones they had in the past- Where they used push and pull.  The doord opened and I could see a huge room- Filled with tables with skinny and braw sitting of different side. It was like the school lunch room. They turned their heads towards me. All stared at me- either with raged eyes or blank, dead looks of the spirit less. I looked around and found Jerry sitting with 3 other people that looked like our ages. I made my way to their table and sat on the end. Jerry looked at me.

"Hey Hey Hey- What are you doing?"


"We didn't say you could sit here"

REALLY? I stood up again and looked to see if there was any where else I could sit. On the farthest corner, all the way on the other side of the lunch room I could see some one waving. I squinted and saw that Old man that looked like Jesus. He was waving his hand and gesturing me to come to his table. There wasn't anyone else there in his table so I went to his table. I sat down and smiled meekly. 

He smiled back and handed me a tray. There was food on it. The typical glop of prison porridge and stale bread.

"Eat up, You'll need it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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