Chapter 1

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I, Kai Licht thought It was pretty complex history lesson. I sat there looking up at the screen projected from out teachers head. I really still can't get use to that, pretty freaky stuff i see all the time. I looked at our history book  and then back up at our teacher. She was Russian and had that distinct accent that people always pointed out. The class bell rung and World history was finished. All my classmates closed their eyes. Of course I knew what they were doing. They were logging in their mind systems. Everyone who had dreams basically had the internet wired to their head. It was pretty freaky, Like an army of dead acne filled zombies. I stood up to leave- I don't understand why they have to do that after EVERY class period, and those idiots always end up late. I sighed and left the class room to our next class, Powers Enhancer. It's sorta like gym. Where you play dodge ball with lasers and oh you know, the usual stuff. But that entire period I sat out all the time. It wasn't like I had an injury- I didn't have Dreams.

There were some people without dreams. But they were usually REALLY old geezers that had their dreams either faded away or removed from authorities. I didn't know WHAT my story was. My parents didn't send me to school until 5th grade and from there they should have worried more because the people I first met thought I had powers: So they shot me and punched me. Apparently shooting and punching became a joke among people, Yeah: hahahaha… NO. I was injured and hospitalized.When I came back in last year- 7th grade: No one even remembered me, If they did they probably remembered me as the kid who can't take a "Joke". I managed through out school now, I was excused from many activities that involved Dreams and when I needed to reach another floor- a teacher had to carry me up since stairs and elevators were fatuous. 

After that "Gym" Class the day ended- for me. The rest of the other classes were specifically DREAM related so i could either stay or go home. I had an option, Of course I went home.Actually- I could have left during gym but there really wasn't a floor- So I have no choice, and the coaches office is on the other side of the gym so if I wanted to excuse myself, I would need to "Fly". I was carried by a classmate to the gym door and i silently said thanks, that guy didn't even look at me, doesn't matter. the building had really wide windows that were the "doors" to each floor- so i waited by the window on the end of the hall and the teacher that took me down flew up and smiled at me. He grabbed me under my armpits and looked at me to nod that i was ready. I nodded and he took me 5 floors down to ground level. I landed on metal sidewalks and said my thanks to the teacher whom flew up and told me to "be careful" on my way home. I  ran my thumbs on my bags straps and turned left back home. There were some people on the streets but a lot of people were flying-  They blocked the sun. I ran across the street and walked to the corner of the block. I stepped my feet into the space on the corner. There were shoe imprints on the metal sidewalk that would take you to the address a long that block. I took out my ID card and slid it into the card slot in front of the feet. The block came off the side walk and hovered straight down, passing house by house. The platform stopped in front of my house and popped my card out and i caught it and jumped off. The platform went back to the street corner and I headed inside: Home sweet home.

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