Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Capture the Flag

Cassandra's P.O.V

Let's just say I was surprised to be on the team for the GMG, but my skills will definitely be useful right now. The preliminary round for the GMG is capture the flag, with alliances. Basically, two guild's and their teams make up one group for the prelims. The top eight guilds will move on, so the winning four teams.

The team with the most guild's flags and keeping their flag protected will have 1st place, and so on and so on. That's how it works.

Shock Wave and Infinity Soul are teamed up, that's us (hehe, we'll totally win! Just you wait!) Fairy Tail teamed up with Sabertooth (hmm...interesting....) Blue Pegasus teamed with Lamia Scale (Ichiya...I'm shuddering inside, by the way) Mermaid Heel teamed with another new guild, Avalanche (it's also an all girls guild) and the other guild alliance/team thingy to note is Death's Maiden's and Dream Knife (those are two independent guilds, like Infinity Soul, except Dream Knife is an all boys guild! He...he...hehe.....hehehe....).

Anyways, back to the game...

"-and that's all the rules for the game!" Wait, what? Oops.... "Guilds, your flag has you're guild's symbol on either side. You'll be transported to your based on five minutes! Assign jobs and strategies!"

We all turn to each other, "I'm flag guard." Lily mutters, glancing around nervously. "Vivian, you should be on the team going for the flag, as well as Cassandra, Rin, Wendy, Lenora and...Juvia. Our defense team should be Liam, Alexander and Lucy."

I'm slightly unsure about this, but...alrighty.

We all nod, Infinity Soul's members seen perfectly good with this plan. Well, of course they are, it's their plan. But I'll trust it for now... Now (hehe, I said now twice) WE BEGIN!

"We begin!" Oh wow, my timing was perfect.

We begin to glow as we're transported to the location. We got to view it before hand, and it's a the sky. It's a bunch of floating castles and crisscrossing bridges. Immediately, the offense team sets out (ME! And others...). We zoom out across a bridge, and I focus on hiding our magic and making us less noticeable. It's working, so far, and we snatch a flag up. We work like that for a few minutes, gaining multiple flags and knocking minor guilds out of the running.

Here we are though, in front of Mermaid Heel's and Avalanche's base. Arrows are flying, and magic is being shot every which way, until....

"NO!" Fairy Tail's team has reached our flag, but there's no one in sight. They're nearer to it now, only a few more steps and....

A sound like crashing thunder echoes through the area, causing a major distraction in which a snatch Mermaid Heel's and Avalanche's flag. Everyone's focused on the figure at our base though.

Her head's down, hiding her eyes, but there's a dark, insane aura just screaming 'don't-move-or-you're-dead' around her. With all the guilds losing in here...all that negative emotion....I think they just messed with the wrong demon slayer. 

Her head lifts, and her eyes zoom in on Fairy Tail's team, her eyes are insane! Deep, bottomless pits of nothingness and still a laughing, taunting look as if to say 'touch that flag, I dare you.'

And what do they do? They touched the damn flag.

With a scream she throws her head back as the earth darkens. It's a beam of dark light shining down on Lily Summers, and it's tearing up the earth. It's growing larger, the raw magic power surrounding Lily rolls out in waves as everything begins to explode or...even worse, it's all being sucked in. She's a black hole.... She's a monster....

She's a demon.

And then Fairy Tail's offense is down, and the games over... The only existing guilds are Fairy Tail and Sabertooth (they still have their defense team....alive) Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Death's Maiden's, Dream Knife, and us.

Lily's swaying now. Back...forth...back.... She's grinning to, like a maniac. A true maniac, that's what she is. She insane. And then she's down on the ground...

She's laying in a crater of ashes, dust and the world of death she created. And she's still grinning.

Still grinning.


"In last place, we have Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus! In third place, we have Death's Maiden's and Dream Knife! In second place, we have Infinity Soul and Shock Wave!"

...damn, we're second (I'm crying tears inside, really).

"And in first place we have Fairy Tail and Sabertooth!"


"I think they will destroy the other guilds!" Some random watcher yelled.


"I totally agree!"


"You'll be crushed!"'re going down, Fairy Tail.

I start laughing quietly to myself. Freaking my guild out...


"We'll get them next time, don't worry guys!" I tell Wendy, Juvia and Lucy. We've arrived back at our inn, and are celebrating. Infinity Soul's members are also here, although I think their slightly calmer, except.....

"I killed someone didn't I?! Didn't I?! I didn't mean it! I swear! I swear I didn't mean it!"

"Lily, calm down, you're gunna blow something up again."

....and the wails of sorrow continue.

I think I've learned two lessons today. One: never mess with Lily Summers. Two: never mess with Vivian Dracon, who can deal with Lily Summers.

Wait.....they're our enemies now....


Well, we did well, and that's all that matters right? Try your hardest, and if at first you don't succeed, try again. And again. Again, and again and again to reach your goal. That's what matters.

I think Shock Wave is capable of that, as well as Infinity Soul. All these guilds are capable of that. It's gunna be tough, but, we can do it, don't you think?

We're going to make it to the top. Number one, and for one purpose alone.....

Our guild does believe in us, yes. That's an amazing reason to win and amazing motivation. But you know what's better? What we need to do?

Believe in ourselves.

{1016! Thank you all those out there motivating me to do this! It feels amazing to have people reading this book, and it's amazing that all my thoughts are actually getting written down in an orderly fashion!


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