Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
First Day of the Grand Magic Games

Vivian's P.O.V

"Welcome to the first day of the Grand Magic Games!" The announcer says. I'm grinning from ear to ear, and hanging onto Lily's arm.

"Lily! Lily! Lily! Their announcing stuff!"

"....I saw."

"Now, our first event is one you may recognize from last year! It was very popular, even though it wasn't a planned event! This device measures magic power! So send your strongest member! Remember, the winner gets ten points while last place gets zero!"

Shock Wave is sending Rin, probably for his experience in Dragon Slayer Magic. Fairy Tail's sending Laxus Dreyar. Lamia Scale is sending Lyon (Jura's not allowed to participate this year). Death's Maiden's is sending a girl named Elizandra Winchester, and Dream Knife is sending a boy named Sebastian Tempest. Blue Pegasus is sending Eve. Sabertooth is sending Minerva. I guess...I'm going?

"Vivian, you go."

I nod and jump down off our balcony thingy. I land in a crouch and stand up. As I'm walking, I'm reaching out with my magic. I'm sensing the positive emotion in here....

...Crowds cheering....

....guilds supporting each other....

....respect for others....

So much positivity is in the air, so I suck it all up. No one notices of course, but the crowd quiets. That's the problem with my much good as it can do, as much negativity it can cause, but....

Lily's balancing the room.

"First up, we have Laxus of Fairy Tail!" He easily gets 4598 in magic power.

"Second, Lyon Vastia of Lamia Scale!" That's 1456 for him.

"Third, Rin Connelly of Shock Wave!" He got 3456.

"Minerva of Sabertooth!" 4534.

"Eve of Blue Pegasus!" 987.

"Elizandra of Death's Maiden's!" 4678, wow... Enemy.

"Sebastian of Dream Knife!" 999.

"Vivian of Infinity Soul!" I walk up, slowly, carefully. I'm not worried really, just...nervous? I guess....

I stand before my target and take a deep breath. Then I shove my hands out. My palms are spread, each pointing in a different direction with my wrists together.

As my hands come to a stop, a ginormous beam of blinding light is shot at the target.

Obliterating it.


And then I'm falling, down...down... Until I'm on the ground, and my eyes slowly close.

But still, I'm grinning.


I broke it. It wasn't even able to measure my score, so they just told me it was off the charts. Of course it is though, the positivity in here is off the charts.

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